Fate and Fortune in Rural China

James Z. Lee,Cameron




Cambridge University Press

PART 1: DAOYI VILLAGE 1 Prologue 2 Social organization and social mobility 3 Spatial and temporal setting PART 2: THE LIAONING DEMOGRAPHIC SYSTEM 4 Two types of positive check: infanticide and neglect 5 Two types of preventive check: nuptiality and fertility PART 3: HOUSEHOLD ORGANIZATION AND POPULATION BEHAVIOR 6 Domestic cycle and banner organization 7 Domestic hierarchy and demographic priviege PART 4: BANNER ORGANIZATION AND POPULATION BEHAVIOR(with Chris J. Myers) 8 Bannermen and banner organization (with Chris J. Myers and with the help of Yizhuang Ding) 9 Banner hierarchy and demographic privilege(with Chris J. Myers) 10 Two types of social mobility (with Chris J. Myers) EPILOGUE: PROSPECTS, IMPLICATIONS, AND COMPARISONS
Fate and Fortune in Rural China is a major contribution to the study of both the social and population history of late traditional China, and that of historical demography in general. Lee and Campbell demonstrate the interaction between demographic and other social pressures, and illustrate graphically the nature of social mobility and social organization in rural China during the century from 1774SH1873. Their conclusion--that social norms, rooted in ideology, determined demographic performance--is supported by a mass of hitherto inaccessible primary data.


