Wisdom, Compassion, and the Search for Understanding

Gajin Nagao




University of Hawaii Press

Preface A Short Biographical Sketch of Professor Gadjin Masato Nagao A Bibliography of the Publications of Gadjin M. Nagao (Through 1996) The Bodhisattva's Compassion Described in the: Mahayana-sutralamkara / Gadjin M. Nagao 1 Toward an Understanding of the Vijnaptimatrata / Noritoshi Aramaki 39 Samadhi in Honen's Hermeneutic of Practice and Faith: Assessing the Sammai hottokki / Mark L. Blum 61 Two Jars on Two Tables: Reflections on the "Two Truths" / Luis O. Gomez 95 Dignaga's Theory of Meaning: An Annotated Translation of the Pramanasamuccayavrtti: Chapter V: Anyapoha-pariksa (I) / Masaaki Hattori 137 Santaraksita and Bhaviveka as Opponents of the Madhyamika in the Madhyanakaloka / Masamichi Ichigo 147 The Buddha and His Teachings / J. W. de Jong 171 Buddhist Cosmology as Presented in the Yogacarabhumi / Yuichi Kajiyama 183 Nagarjuna and the Tetralemma (Catuskoti) / Shoryu Katsura 201 The Middle Path According to the Kasyapaparivarta-sutra / Leslie Kawamura 221 Jnanasarasamuccaya kk[actual symbol not reproducible]20-28: Mise au point with a Sanskrit Manuscript / Katsumi Mimaki 233 On Three Yogacarabhumi Passages Mentioning the Three Svabhavas or Laksanas / Lambert Schmithausen 245 The Yogacara Bhiksu / Jonathan A. Silk 265 Manuscript Fragments, Texts, and Inscriptions in the Temple of Tabo: An Interim Report with Bibliography / Ernst Steinkellner 315 Samsara eva nirvanam / Jikido Takasaki 333 On Samaropa: Probing the Relationship of the Buddha's Silence and His Teaching / Teruyoshi Tanji 347 Buddhist Liberation and Birth in the Heavens: The Significance of the Earliest Buddhist Icons Found among Grave Objects in China's Yangtze River Region / Meiji Yamada 369 Toward a New Edition of the Fan-yu Tsa-ming of Li-yen / Akira Yuyama 397 Index 413 Contributors 421
The field of Buddhist studies is a truly international and interdisciplinary one. By its nature, the study of Buddhism must take into account phenomena that cross national and cultural boundaries, as well as the more artificual boundaries of modern academic fields. This volume presents eighteen studies, the subjects of which range over India, Tibet, China, and Japan, and deal with an even broader range of subjects. It includes many essays on Buddhist philosophy, a number of which deal with the Madhyamaka tradition of Nagarjuna and his successors, while others examine the Yogacara tradition of Asanga, Vasubandhu, and their succcessors. These essays investigate areas of doctrinal interest such as the so-called "Two Truth" theory and the doctrine of the equivalence of nirvana and samsara, as well as such topics as the nature and practice of compassion and Indian Buddhist cosmology.


