Crimes Against Logic

Jamie Whyte


思维 心理学 Thinking 逻辑 logic 行为心理


McGraw-Hill Education

This is a witty assault on lame rhetoric, specious logic, and official BS. Here's a fast-paced, ruthlessly funny romp through the mulligan stew of illogic, unreason, and just plain drivel served up daily in the media by pundits, psychics, ad agencies, New Age gurus, statisticians, free trade ideologues, business "thinkers," and, of course, politicians. Award-winning young philosopher Jamie Whyte applies his laser-like wit to dozens of timely examples in order to deconstruct the rhetoric and cut through the haze of shibboleth and doubletalk to get at the real issues. A troubleshooting guide to both public and private discourse, "Crimes Against Logic": analyzes the 12 major logical fallacies, with examples from the media and everyday life; takes no prisoners as it goes up against the scientific, religious, academic, and political establishments; helps you fine-tune your critical faculties and learn to skewer debaters on their own phony logic.


