Max Weber and Karl Marx (Routledge Sociology Classics)

Karl Lowith,Bryan S.


社会学 韦伯 马克思 KarlLoewith 哲学 Weber 社会学经典理论 Marx

December, 1993


Preface to the new edition Bryan S.Turner 1 Note on the translation 33 Introduction to the translation 34 MAX WEBER AND KARL MARX 1 Introduction 42 Statement of the problem 42 General characterisation of Weber and Marx 44 2 Weber’s interpretation of the bourgeois-capitalist world in terms of ‘rationalisation’ 51 The starting point of Weber’s research 51 Rationality as the problematic expression of the modern world 62 Rationality as the capacity for individual responsibility amidst universal dependency 72 3 Marx’s interpretation of the bourgeois-capitalist world in terms of human ‘self-alienation’ 89 The historical development of the concept from Hegel through Feuerbach to Marx 89 The economic expression of human self-alienation in the commodity 96 The political expression of human self-alienation in bourgeois society 102 The direct social expression of human self-alienation in the proletariat 109 4 Weber’s critique of the materialist conception of history 119 Weber’s indirect critique of Marx in the dispute with Stammler 120 Weber’s critique of Marx in the sociology of religion 121 Bibliography 126 Index 129


