Madness and Civilization

Michel Foucault


Foucault 哲学



INTRODUCTION BY DAVID COOPER PREFACE 1 "Stultifera Navis" 2 The Great Confinement 3 The Insane 4 Passion and Delirium 5 Aspects of Madness 6 Doctors and Patients 7 The Great Fear 8 The New Dvision 9 The Birth of the Asylum CONCLUSION NOTES
'Time has proved Madness and Civilization by far the most penetrating work ever written on the history of madness (and, above all the history of reason).' - Roy Porter 'Michel Foucault's - Madness and Civilization has been, without a shadow of a doubt, the most original, influential, and controversial text in this field during the last forty years. It remains as challenging now as on first publication. Its insights have still not been fully appreciated and absorbed.' 'This is quite an exceptional book of very high calibre - brilliantly written, intellectually rigorous, and with a thesis that thoroughly shakes the assumptions of traditional psychiatry.' - R.D. Laing 'Michel Foucault's Madness and Civilization has been, without a shadow of a doubt, the most original, influential, and controversial text in this field during the last forty years. It remains as challenging now as on first publication.' - Roy Porter


