
St. Thomas Aquinas(聖


亚里士多德 阿奎那



COMMENTARY ON THE METAPHYSICS by Thomas Aquinas translated by John P. Rowan Chicago, 1961 http://dhspriory.org/thomas/Metaphysics.htm THOMAS AQUINAS' OUTLINE OF THE BOOK Introduction (1-68) BOOK 1—Α The work itself (69-2663) What previous philosophers said about causes (69-272) Determination of the truth (273-2663) BOOK 2—α With regard to universal truth (274-337) With regard to the truth about what belongs to this science (338-2663) BOOK 3—Β Dialectical exposition of the problems (338-528) Demonstrative section 529-2663 BOOK 4—Γ List of things this science considers (529-748) Determination of these things (749-2663) BOOK 5—Δ The meanings of the terms used in this science (749-1143) Names signifying causes (749-841) Names signifying the subject of this science (842-1032) Names signifying attributes or aspects of the subject (1033-1143) Determination of the realities this science considers (1144-2663) BOOK 6—Ε The method of considering "being" in this science (1144-1244) The truth about "being" (1245-2663) BOOK 7—Ζ The truth about "being as being" (1245-2145) "Being" (1245-1919) As it is divided by the ten categories (1245-1767) The need to focus on substance (1245-1269) The truth about substance (1270-1767) The method and order of discussion (1270-1305) Sensible substances (1306-1767) General and logical considerations (1306-1680) Considering the principles of sensible substances (1681-1767) BOOK 8—Η As it is divided by potency and act (1768-1919) BOOK 9—Θ "One" and its concomitants (1920-2145) BOOK 10—Ι "One" in itself (1920-1982) In comparison with multitude (1983-2145) The first principles of being: separated substances (2146-2663) BOOK 11—Κ Preliminary considerations (2146-2415) Separated substances (2416-2663) BOOK 12—Λ


