Max Weber

Max Weber


韦伯 社会学 Methodology Weber



Table Of Contents Max Weber Bibliography, With Abbreviations V- Ix Introduction X-Xlii Editorial Preface Xliii-Xlix Acknowledgements L-Li Articles Roscher And Knies And The Logical Problems Of Historical Economics 3-155 I. Roscher’S “Historical Method” 4-42 Ii. Knies And The Problem Of Irrationality 43-111 Iii. Knies And The Problem Of Irrationality (Continued) 112-155 Accompanying Remarks 157-164 The ”Objectivity” Of Knowledge In Social Science And Social Policy 166-241 Critical Studies In The Logic Of The Cultural Sciences 243-327 I. A Critique Of Eduard Meyer 243-299 Ii. Objective Possibility And Adequate Causation In The Historical Causal Approach 300-327 R[Udolf] Stammler‟S ”Overcoming” Of The Materialist Conception Of History 329-408 Addendum To The Essay On R[Udolf] Stammler‟S ”Overcoming” Of The Materialist Conception Of History 410-436 The Theory Of Marginal Utility And The "Fundamental Law Of Psycho-Physics" 438-455 "Energetical" Theories Of Culture 457-484 Review Of Adolf Weber, The Tasks Of Economic Theory As A Science, 1909. (Excerpts) 486-491 On Some Categories Of Interpretive Sociology 493-548 Declaration 550 The Meaning Of "Value Freedom" In The Sociological And Economic Sciences 552-611 Science As A Profession And Vocation 613-648 Contributions And Interventions (Excerpts) Association for Social Policy, Mannheim 1905. Intervention in debate on G. Schmoller‟s lecture on ”The relationship of cartels to the state” 650-651 Association for Social Policy, Vienna 1909. Intervention in discussion on “The productivity of the national economy” 652-658 German Sociological Society, General Meeting, Frankfurt 1910 Business Report 659-660 Intervention in debate on W. Sombart‟s paper on “Technology and culture” 661-662 Intervention in debate on H. Kantorowicz's paper on “Legal science and sociology” 663-672 LETTERS (Excerpts) 674-724 NOTES AND DRAFTS 726-743 1. Note marked "Rickert's 'values'" (The "Nervi Fragment"), c. 1902/1903 2. Note marked "New sciences", c. 1902/1903 3. Note on "immediate experience" and "human action", c. 1902/03 4. Note on Wilhelm Roscher, c. 1902/1903 5. Note on historical method, c. 1902/1903 6. Note on "intelligibility" of reality, c. 1902/1903 7. Note on "cosmos" and "development", c. 1902/1903 8. Note marked "Development v.Below/E. Meyer", c. 1902/1903 9. Handwritten beginning of draft entitled "Georg Simmel as a Sociologist and Theoretician of the Money Economy", c. 1908 10. "Fragment on Formal Ethics", c. 1912 ENDNOTES 744-801 ENGLISH KEY TO GLOSSARY 802-826 GLOSSARY 827-869 BIBLIOGRAPHY 870-894 INDEX OF PERSONS SUBJECT INDEX
Weber's methodological writings form the bedrock of key ideas across the social sciences. His discussion of value freedom and value commitment, causality, understanding and explanation, theory building and ideal types have been of fundamental importance, and their impact remains undiminished today. These ideas influence the current research practice of sociologists, historians, economists and political scientists and are central to debates in the philosophy of social science. But, until now, Weber's extensive writings on methodology have lacked a comprehensive publication. Edited by two of the world's leading Weber scholars, Collected Methodological Writings will provide a completely new, accurate and reliable translation of Weber's extensive output, including previously untranslated letters. Accompanying editorial commentary explains the context of, and interconnections between, all these writings, and additional useful features include a glossary of German terms and an English key, endnotes, bibliography, and person and subject indexes.


