The Storytelling Animal

Jonathan Gottschall


讲故事 Storytelling


Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH)

Prefacexi The Witchery of Story1 The Riddle of Fiction21 Hell Is Story-Friendly45 Night Story68 The Mind Is a Storyteller87 The Moral of the Story117 Ink People Change the World139 Life Stories156 The Future of Story177 Notes201 Acknowledgments213 Bibliography215 Credits231 Index233
Humans live in landscapes of make-believe: we spin fantasies, we devour novels, films, and plays, and even our sporting events and criminal trials unfold as narratives. Yet the world of story has long remained an undiscovered and unmapped country. It’s easy to say that humans are “wired” for story, but why? In this delightful and original book, Jonathan Gottschall offers the first unified theory of storytelling. He argues that stories are a way of rehearsing life’s complex social problems.Our penchant for story has evolved, like other behaviors, to enhance our survival, and, crucially, that of our social group. (In fact, studies show that people who read fiction are more empathetic.) Gottschall explores the deep pattern in children’s make-believe, and what that reveals about story’s prehistoric origins. He shows how a story was partly responsible for Hitler’s rise, how schizophrenia is an example of the story mind run amok, and how successful fiction is inherently moral. We are master shapers of story. The Storytelling Animal finally reveals how stories shape us.


