The Effective Executive

Peter F. Drucker


管理 Drucker 个人管理 德鲁克 management 效能 英文原版书 管理学



《卓有成效的管理者》告诉我们:一群平凡人,能做出不平凡的事业吗?这是完全可以做到的。只要我们组织中的每一个人都能做到卓有成效。卓有成效可以学会吗?卓有成效是可以学会的。每个人都必须卓有成效吗?卓有成效是管理者必须做到的事,但是在所有的知识组织中。每一位知识工作者其实都是管理者一即使他没有所谓的职权。只要他能为组织做出突出的贡献。管理者的成效往往是决定组织工作成效的最关键因素;并不是只有高级管理人员才是管理者,所有负责行动和决策而又有助于提高机构工作效能的人,都应该像管理者一样工作和思考。如何卓有成效?记录并分析时间的使用情况,把眼光集中在贡献上,充分发挥人的长处,要事优先,有效决策。 What makes an effective executive? The measure of the executive, Peter F. Drucker reminds us, is the ability to "get the right things done." This usually involves doing what other people have overlooked as well as avoiding what is unproductive. Intelligence, imagination, and knowledge may all be wasted in an executive job without the acquired habits of mind that mold them into results. Drucker identifies five practices essential to business effectiveness that can, and must, be learned: Managing time Choosing what to contribute to the organization Knowing where and how to mobilize strength for best effect Setting the right priorities Knitting all of them together with effective decision-making Ranging widely through the annals of business and government, Peter F. Drucker demonstrates the distinctive skill of the executive and offers fresh insights into old and seemingly obvious business situations. 点击链接进入中文版: 卓有成效的管理者(珍藏版)


