


桂正和 漫画 日本 日本漫画 I''s 青春 经典





  • 豌豆小姐_呜啦嘿的评论
    跑步5.10km,用时30分57秒,平均配速6'04",消耗300.4大卡。#咕咚# I had a dream last night and that's it [胜利]网页链接
  • 小滚论文顺利过关啦的评论
    #原来你是这样的谢耳朵# 我向 @JimParsons爱自己 提问:I expect the S10 of BBT sooooooooooooo much[爱你][爱你] 合肥·大学城
  • 一五柒叁的评论
    #原来你是这样的谢耳朵# 我向 @JimParsons爱自己 提问:Hello,Jim! I like Sheldon many years!And I want to ask you if it's possible that TBBT comic con hold in China?All best wishes for you and TBBT season 10[爱你][爱你][爱你][爱你]
  • MediciChen的评论
    我想听这张专辑《The Best Of NOW That's What I Call Music - 10th Anniversary Edition》 -Various 网页链接
  • PuzzleBoy的评论
    自从在#亚洲新歌榜#给@华晨宇yu 的巨鹿 打榜后,腰不酸腿不疼,一口气上10层楼,不费劲儿!It's a very beautiful dream and I love the song.
  • 低气压的洋葱头的评论
    I'm not gonna eat it,no,no,no....it's 10pm now... 澳大利亚·墨尔本
  • 轻松背单词QSBDC的评论
    【让我再睡多几分钟嘛! 】1.It’s time to get up. 该起床了。2.I want to stay in bed for another half an hour. 我真想在床上多睡半个小时。3.Let me sleep in for ten minutes. 让我再睡10分钟。4.Get up soon. 快起床!5.I usually sleep late on Saturdays. 我星期六通常晚起。
  • HolaLisa的评论
    2016. 10th Year Anniversary since I left home for my journey. Full of God's grace, HE raise me up every time when I am down, and make me to more than I can be. This song makes a good conclusion for my 10 years. Soli Deo Gloria. You Raise ...
  • 疯狂记忆单词的评论
    【美剧高频词】1.Nailed it. 搞定了2.buckle up系好安全带3.kill me. 受不了4.Just one more bite. 吃一口5.coming right up. 马上就来6.get in line.去排队7.here’s the deal.事情是这样的(在句首)8. that's not it.不是那么回事9.I dare you看你敢不敢10. Drop dead.去死吧。
  • 酸奶草莓味儿哒的评论
    7:00-8:10,东北三环到西南三环[哈哈] 1.鼓励很重要[haha];2.有决心[good];3.有毅力[拳头]4.提前看看路线[笑cry]总之,I did it.That's awesome ~[心][太阳]