Giles MacDonogh


二战 穿越 疯丢子 小说 网络小说 纳粹 战争


Basic Books

Might-have-beens haunt this insightful narrative of a watershed in the history of Nazi Germany. MacDonogh (After the Reich) chronicles milestones in the development of a radicalized, expansionist Third Reich in the year 1938: the forcible annexation of Austria and the Sudetenland, the Kristallnacht pogrom and the purging of opposition figures in the government, army and church. He portrays these events not as an unfolding master plan but as a series of gambles by a sometimes chaotic Nazi regime plagued by infighting among Hitler's satraps, Wehrmacht coup plots, a collapsing economy (the Anschluss was motivated partly by a need to plunder Austria's treasury and raw materials), and jitters about foreign reaction. The Führer perseveres with theatrical bullying and nervy improvisations that are matched by the Western powers' appeasement; a tragic theme of MacDonogh's story is how easily a determined resistance, from within Germany or without, might have derailed Hitler's initiatives. Another is the callousness of the international community; much of the book follows the travails of Jews who faced closed doors when the Reich was eager to expel them. This well-researched, fine-grained study sketches the moral rot that made possible Hitler's rise. Photos.



  • 航天动力-sh600343的评论
  • 旧时光的伙伴的评论
  • 市总小荷的评论
  • hello庆杰的评论
    1938年的开封 深圳·南头街区
  • 小跳蚤pulga的评论
    付瑞五?是不是付老七呀??[疑问][疑问][疑问][疑问] 1934年6月,抢劫英国商船“顺天轮”,引起外交事件。1938年回乡拉队伍,多次抗击日军。1944年9月,傅部被改编为八路军渤海军区第四军分区沾棣独立团,傅任团长。并先后担任沾化县大队大队长、渤海军区海防支队支队长、海防总队参谋长等职。
  • 建川博物馆聚落的评论
  • yrgwo188的评论
    京剧电影《李慧娘》胡芝风(分享自 @风行网) 胡芝风,女,研究员,一级演员。1938年生,汉族,绍兴人。10岁开始学戏,向魏莲芳、杨畹农、包幼蝶、吴继兰、薛兰芬、刘君麟、杨小培等名家学京剧,并拜梅兰芳大师为师。导演并主演的代表剧目《李慧娘》《百花公主》《白蛇传》等。 视频
  • -Glitch-的评论
    1938年,八路军120师师长贺龙与120师干部的照片 条件真是艰苦,穿着草鞋 (来自 @煎蛋网)
  • 徐旭的评论
    1938年1月3号,日军占领山东曲阜,日本军部立即电告前线官兵,不得骚扰孔庙!并派卫队保护孔庙,日本大小军官集体参拜孔庙。并派人每天打扫孔庙。 1966年11月28,红卫兵冲进孔庙,砸毁孔林。焚烧“万世师表”大匾。掘墓鞭尸,挫骨扬灰。并对孔子及其后人牌位撒尿以示羞辱。
  • 四湖剑客的评论
    闻一多的速写 东山寺。1938年4月,闻一多奔徙昆明西南联大,途经贵州清镇,借宿东山寺(今巢凤寺),率性而作。