
Leinad Zeraus


科幻 Geek 小说 daemon 科幻小说 复杂系统 外国小说


Verdugo Press

Matthew Sobol was a legendary computer game designer--the architect behind half a dozen popular online games. His premature death from brain cancer depressed both gamers and his company's stock price. But Sobol's fans weren't the only ones to note his passing. He left behind something that was scanning Internet obituaries, too--something that put in motion a whole series of programs upon his death. Programs that moved money. Programs that recruited people. Programs that killed. Confronted with a killer from beyond the grave, Detective Peter Sebeck comes face-to-face with the full implications of our increasingly complex and interconnected world--one where the dead can read headlines, steal identities, and carry out far-reaching plans without fear of retribution. Sebeck must find a way to stop Sobol's web of programs--his Daemon--before it achieves its ultimate purpose. And to do so, he must uncover what that purpose is . . .



  • 么凹mao_壹角两毛的毛的评论
    不说再见-好妹妹乐队 我相信。[心]@Daemon-王妖妖 @dear邱雪莹 @Hellohello姚幸福 @谁是谁都不知道的谁 @静静的长高吧 @JMR-浅尝辄止 兰州·西北师范大学知...
  • 麦芽地苹果论坛的评论
    DAEMON Tools 4.1.227 中文破解版 Mac 优秀虚拟光驱工具破解版 网页链接
  • 对__是我的评论
    @张丁文DAEMON 上次你让我去我没去上,今天你就吐槽我咋还没去,从电影院出来看不下雨了我就说来就来了,刚看你在颐和园的冰雹里我还笑话你,结果我刚上缆车
  • 任江风的评论
    【Ubuntu安装输入法Ibus后打字不正常】Ubuntu14.04LTS 安装输入法Ibus后会出现打字全拼各种联想词的Bug 解决方法,打开终端输Terminal输入以下指令 ibus-daemon -drx 网页链接
  • 这不是张萌萌的微博的评论
    Daemon 我喜欢你 也喜欢这世界 世界和我爱着你 my doctor 就算你离去 我永远爱着你[月亮]
  • EshineZeng的评论
  • wymhuster的评论
    awdawdawdawd——评论wymhuster「How to use Port Knocking to hide your SSH Daemon on centos 7」网页链接
  • 逆向思维de怀特叔叔的愛情廢柴的评论
    号称原创的华研,竟然输在了MV上(左边是著名的镜像软件daemon tools ,右边是林宥嘉的最新MV《热血无赖》)@Valen33 @井文龙
  • ASTA谢的评论
    HTraced:Go语言实现的高性能Network Daemon. 分布式系统的诊断非常困难。Apache HTrace是Cloudera开源出来的一个分布式系统跟踪框架,支持HDFS和HBase等系统。该项目目前还在孵化阶段。 Lessons from writing HTraced: A high-performance network daemon in Go 网页链接
  • 墨古清香的评论
    push本地代码到github出错 - Daemon369 - 博客园 网页链接