
Peter Watts


科幻 小说 硬科幻 PeterWatts 科幻世界译文版 SF 科幻小说 hardcore


Tor Books

Two months have past since a myriad of alien objects clenched about the Earth, screaming as they burned. The heavens have been silent since--until a derelict space probe hears whispers from a distant comet. Something talks out there: but not to us. Who you do send to meet the alien when the alien doesn't want to meet? You send a linguist with multiple personalities carved surgically into her brain. You send a biologist so radically interfaced with machinery that he sees x-rays and tastes ultra- sound, so compromised by grafts and splices he no longer feels his own flesh. You send a pacifist warrior whose career-defining moment was an act of treason. You send a monster to command them all, an extinct hominid predator once called vampire, recalled from the grave with the voodoo of recombinant genetics and the blood of sociopaths. And you send a synthesist — an informational topologist with half his mind gone — as an interface between here and there, a conduit through which the Dead Center might hope to understand the Bleeding Edge. You send them all to the edge of interstellar space, praying you can trust such freaks and retrofits with the fate of a world. You fear they may be more alien than the thing they've been sent to find. But you'd give anything for that to be true, if you only knew what was waiting for them...



  • Stark小白的评论
    我想读《Blindsight》: 网页链接 来自@豆瓣App
  • cycloudyang的评论
    Robert Jarvik 因开发Jarvik-7人造心脏而著名。 #blindsight
  • 悠覓无寻的评论
    《Blindsight》:硬的难以下口的科幻小说,是对“睁眼瞎”最高境界的研究;人类的自我意识营造的时空,从象征层面来讲与matrix无异,然而意识使我们自知自觉,或许便是对这个无意识的宇宙时空的中和吧。 网页链接
  • 雅雅Angela的评论
  • 召南摽有梅的评论
  • nightscape的评论
    通过@微盘 下载了@求paper腹肌人鱼线滴葳葳酱 分享的"PeterWatts_Blindsight_盲视.pdf",推荐给大家! PeterWatts...
  • 萌面女侠要加油的评论
    @WF-Blindsight @Candyfxw 凡哥和文姐送的元旦礼物 海淘一个月才到.. 再加上拖延症... 总之好喜欢 全是爱[爱你][爱你]
  • 猫杀麻木不仁的评论
    [思考]看完blindsight脑洞大开,所以如果眼球追踪设备普及后,理论上可以利用人类saccadic masking的这个大bug,写出一种AI算法,使得玩家完全看不见一个事实上一直可见的角色,我们机器迟早要完爆你们人类。#愚蠢的人类#
  • 蒲盼盼的评论
    List of Cognitive Biases(想了半天不知道怎么翻),马着慢慢看(还没从Blindsight里走出来啊啊啊啊:网页链接
  • 陰沼京的评论
    《盲视 Blindsight (2006)》一位盲人教育家和冒险家Sabriye Tenberken,他开办了拉萨第一所盲人学校,在他的帮助下,这些孩子邀请到了盲人登山者埃里克·魏亨麦尔来他们的学校。六个孩子开始了他们的惊人旅程…(自豆瓣)网盘: 网页链接