Gulliver's Travels

Jonathan Swift


英文原著 小说


The Vancouver Sun

Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon on a merchant ship, is shipwrecked on the strange island of Lilliput where the inhabitants are only six inches tall. After they overcome their timidity about the giant in their midst, Gulliver becomes embroiled in the islanders petty disputes about such issues as whether it is better to break an egg at the big end or the little end, the rivalry between those who wear high heels and those who prefer low heels, and the ridiculous pomposity of their miniature emperor. This is not the end of Gulliver s adventures, for he later finds himself on Brobdingnag, where the natives are incredibly tall; the flying island of Laputo, where they intellectualise from dawn till dusk; and, finally, the country of the wise " Houyhnhnms and the vulgar Yahoos. All human life is satirised here, from politicians to priests and philosophers to poets. And yes, the truth is that we re all Yahoos.


