
Henry Y. Zhao,Yanbin


今天 李陀 北島 北岛


Zephyr Press

TODAY opens its pages to all writers writing inthe Chinese language. 《 今天》刊登來自世界各地的各蘱中文文學作品。



  • 新东方王江涛的评论
    #道长英语#每日一句103 As the dome grows, it develops deep fissures(cracks); in at least a few cases the continent may break entirely along some of these fissures, so that the hot spot initiates the formation of a new ocean. 无需再注明#百日行动派#或@新东方 和我,转发并翻译即可。
  • 木木木屿先生的评论
    Une histoire brisée est une histoire brisée, même les morceaux recollés, les fissures sont toujours là.
  • 俺是跑腿人欧洲代购的评论
    #依泉皲裂护理膏 Uriage Bariéderm Fissures Crevasses 40g # 法国药妆的针对性得到很好的体现的一款东东。针对手脚,肘部的皮肤严重角化或皲裂,非常有效,使局部皮肤软化并深度滋润,很快恢复平滑和健康。依泉的护肤品在深度滋润和抗敏感方面是非常强大的。
  • 贰社长要常泡茶_的评论
    Sheeps brain #dissection #corpuscallosum #duramater #biology #brainstem #fissures #lobes #science #sheep #brain #lab #labpartneralmostfaint…
  • 斯盖兔的评论
    If something was not built to last, u r going to see the fissures now. It might be possible to salvage a damaged situation, but it could be better to channel ur energies in other directions.Only u can make that decision, of course. [微风]
  • DavDiProssimo的评论
    Soul Fissures by Pedro Jarque Krebs: 网页链接 网页链接 (via Twitter 网页链接
  • 创想国的评论
    Soul fissures animal,elephant,eye,old,sadness,skin,sorrow,wrinkle 网页链接
  • NYTimesWorld的评论
    Fissures in Afghan Taliban seen as an opening for ISIS: 网页链接 网页链接
  • 亚特兰蒂斯Narcissus的评论
    Food poured over the millions of cracks in the foundation of my family; it seeped into the fissures; it narrowed the chasms. But even then I knew that the amount of food I was consuming was something to be ashamed of.
  • 懒aya_的评论
    finished before series.what Jesse said impressed me a lot: it's not perfect but it's the reality. / but once fissures are begeted they cant be fixed up anymore. the alternative plan keeps lingering eventually it makes your life become insatiable and stuffed with myraid "what if"