
Alessandro Baricco


Baricco Alessandro



France, 1861. When an epidemic threatens to wipe out the silk trade in France, Herv- Joncour, a young silk breeder, has to travel overland to distant Japan, out of bounds to foreigners, to smuggle out healthy silkworms. In the course of his secret negotiations with the local baron, Joncour's attention is arrested by the man's concubine, a girl who does not have oriental eyes. Although they are unable to exchange so much as a word, love blossoms between them, a love that is conveyed in a number of recondite messages. How their secret affair develops is told in this remarkable love story. As haunting as a strain of passionate music, Silk is an enchantment, an exquisite narrative and a stylistic tour de force.



  • 阿珂_22的评论
    今天来给大家推荐一下夏日除毛的美容仪器,也是我的微信公众号第一篇文章,微博这边的更新有点滞后,不好意思之后会尽快更新上来。包括Tria, Silk'n, no! no!, 以及Sally Hansen的试用心得和review。希望大家觉得有用~~[可爱][可爱][可爱] 另外我的微信公众号是:kexiaofeisworld,欢迎关注[亲亲]
  • WhitneyHui許亦妮的评论
    Stupid Silly [猪头]嬌 @ Al Pasha Silk Road Cuisine 帕莎 网页链接
  • 窮酸蝸草泥馬要發達的评论
    人生最不圓滿的應該是山p不去拍silk labo[大哭]雖然鈴木一徹是帥的 但我更想看到山p的肉體[泪]
  • NaturalSimple的评论
    White is the best color for summers. Preferably going with natural fabrics such as silk, cotton and linen. [蓝心][紫心]
  • Xiangguangli的评论
    noodle in carrot, silk vegetable soup and thundershow in SH now. praise the Lord n praying for Fi.' for Fi' meaning praying so that God will bless me for Fi. i need miracle and God's help:)
  • SophieYangBerlin的评论
    [健美操][微笑]#sophieyangberlin #silk #silkskirt #cashmereandsilk #linienstrasse #berlin # @ Sophie Yang Berlin 网页链接
  • 薄荷酱小Q的评论
  • 艺艺的中二病的评论
    【英劇】皇家律師/ 絲袍 silk 全三季完 笨妹 #哔哩哔哩动画# 【英劇】皇家律師/ ...
  • 軒子_愛吃貓的魚的评论
  • VitimChan的评论
    #VC要做颗水煮蛋# 使用了四次silk'n infinity脱毛仪。完成了第一个阶段的脱毛。所以来写个小小的总结。P1:如何选择脱毛仪&我的选择原因P2:市面上脱毛仪类型原理 激光/脉冲光脱毛是永久的吗 医院脱毛&家用脱毛 脱毛周期P3:silk'n infinity 简介 silk'n infinity 基本参数功