这是英语世界对施米特——20世纪最出众的自由主义之批评者——的政治、法律和文化论著的首部深入的批评性评述。该著还提供了对这位最复杂多端的纳粹理论家的评价,既不试图为他辩护,也不谋略他妖魔化。 藉着将施米特的著述放在同时代人的语境中,尤其是韦伯、卢卡奇、本雅明、海德格尔和阿多诺,以及较早的人物,如,马基雅维利、霍丰斯、黑格尔、马克思和尼采,约翰·麦考米克为哲学、史学和政治理论工作者提供了对施米特的最综合性的论述。 -
Liberalism and the Limits of Justice
A liberal society seeks not to impose a single way of life, but to leave its citizens as free as possible to choose their own values and ends. It therefore must govern by principles of justice that do not presuppose any particular vision of the good life. But can any such principles be found? And if not, what are the consequences for justice as a moral and political ideal? These are the questions Michael Sandel takes up in this penetrating critique of contemporary liberalism. This new edition includes a new introduction and a new final chapter in which Professor Sandel responds to the later work of John Rawls. -
The Constitution of Liberty
"One of the great political works of our time, . . . the twentieth-century successor to John Stuart Mill's essay, 'On Liberty.'"—Henry Hazlitt, Newsweek "A reflective, often biting, commentary on the nature of our society and its dominant thought by one who is passionately opposed to the coercion of human beings by the arbitrary will of others, who puts liberty above welfare and is sanguine that greater welfare will thereby ensue."—Sidney Hook, New York Times Book Review In this classic work Hayek restates the ideals of freedom that he believes have guided, and must continue to guide, the growth of Western civilization. Hayek's book, first published in 1960, urges us to clarify our beliefs in today's struggle of political ideologies. -
本书对当代西方研究民主国家的五大学派——多元主义、新右派主义、精英主义、马克思主义、新多元主义——分章进行了精辟的分析,考察了它们的理论起源、方法和价值、主要优势和缺陷。特别分析了它们了关于政治压力和动员的模式、国家组织及政治危机的理论。在对学派之间的区别作出简明提炼的同时,作者还以一种创造性的方式展示了出现于每一种传统中的共同的理论问题和解决方法,说明了各种理论之间的深层联系以及评价它们的正确方法。 就其覆盖的理论范围和对案例的运用而言,本书是第一本真正的政治学领域的比较研究著作。 -
《政府论》 《政府论》是十七世纪英国思想家洛克的最重要政治理论著作。其基本精神在于对政府职能、政府与社会的关系、政府与公民的关系等当时急需解决的问题提供基础答案。 全书分为上下两篇。上篇通过论证“天赋自由和平等”,驳斥了“君权神授”和“王位世袭”论;下篇从自然状态、社会契约论、政治社会和政府的组建等方面正面阐述政府理论。他认为:生命、自由和私有财产是人神圣不可侵犯的自然权利;为了保护人们依据自然法享有的自然权利,人们通过社会契约建立政府;当政府背叛了人民时,人民有权利重新组建新政府。这些思想成为现代民主社会的思想支柱。 -