Stochastic Integration and Differential Equations
Riemannian Geometry
This volume introduces techniques and theorems of Riemannian geometry, and opens the way to advanced topics. The text combines the geometric parts of Riemannian geometry with analytic aspects of the theory, and reviews recent research. The updated second edition includes a new coordinate-free formula that is easily remembered (the Koszul formula in disguise); an expanded number of coordinate calculations of connection and curvature; general fomulas for curvature on Lie Groups and submersions; variational calculus integrated into the text, allowing for an early treatment of the Sphere theorem using a forgotten proof by Berger; recent results regarding manifolds with positive curvature. -
Numerical Analysis(Second Edition)
Normal 0 false false false Numerical Analysis, Second Edition , is a modern and readable text. This book covers not only the standard topics but also some more advanced numerical methods being used by computational scientists and engineers—topics such as compression, forward and backward error analysis, and iterative methods of solving equations—all while maintaining a level of discussion appropriate for undergraduates. Each chapter contains a Reality Check, which is an extended exploration of relevant application areas that can launch individual or team projects. MATLAB ® is used throughout to demonstrate and implement numerical methods. The Second Edition features many noteworthy improvements based on feedback from users, such as new coverage of Cholesky factorization, GMRES methods, and nonlinear PDEs. -
《概率论的思想与方法》运用适当的数学思想方法对概率论中的各种类型的实际问题作了详尽的分析,使读者能够从中领会到哪些重要思想方法的应用范围与技巧;同时给出了大量能够让学生深入理解、灵活运用数学思想方法的概率论实例的解答过程与注解;此外还配备了适量的练习供读者自行研学,以利于读者加深对理论知识的理解。 -
《大学数学竞赛指导》是为大学生数学竞赛指导而编写的。全书共分6部分,计19讲。主要内容涵盖高等数学与数学分析、线性代数与高等代数、概率论与数理统计等本科数学基础核心课程。全书例题丰富,行文流畅,深入浅出,富有启发性与可读性。 《大学数学竞赛指导》既可作为大学生数学竞赛指导的教材,也可作为本科生参加全国硕士研究生数学课程入学考试的重要辅助资料,同时,对大学数学教师及工程技术人员来说也是一本不可多得的参考书。 -
Analysis II