《微分几何基础(英文版)》介绍了微分拓扑、微分几何以及微分方程的基本概念。《微分几何基础(英文版)》的基本思想源于作者早期的《微分和黎曼流形》,但重点却从流形的一般理论转移到微分几何,增加了不少新的章节。这些新的知识为Banach和Hilbert空间上的无限维流形做准备,但一点都不觉得多余,而优美的证明也让读者受益不浅。在有限维的例子中,讨论了高维微分形式,继而介绍了Stokes定理和一些在微分和黎曼情形下的应用。给出了Laplacian基本公式,展示了其在浸入和浸没中的特征。书中讲述了该领域的一些主要基本理论,如:微分方程的存在定理、唯一性、光滑定理和向量域流,包括子流形管状邻域的存在性的向量丛基本理论,微积分形式,包括经典2-形式的辛流形基本观点,黎曼和伪黎曼流形协变导数以及其在指数映射中的应用,Cartan-Hadamard定理和变分微积分第一基本定理。目次:(第一部分)一般微分方程;微积分;流形;向量丛;向量域和微分方程;向量域和微分形式运算;Frobenius定理;(第二部分)矩阵、协变导数和黎曼几何:矩阵;协变导数和测地线;曲率;二重切线丛的张量分裂;曲率和变分公式;半负曲率例子;自同构和对称;浸入和浸没;(第三部分)体积形式和积分:体积形式;微分形式的积分;Stokes定理;Stokes定理的应用;谱理论。 -
Principles of Harmonic Analysis
The book is written for graduate students who have read the first book and like to see the proofs which were not given there and/or want to see the full extent of the theory. On the other hand it can be read independently from the first one, only a modest knowledge on Fourier series/tranform is required to understand the examples. This book fills a major gap in the textbook literature, as a full proof of Pontryagin Duality and Plancherel Theorem is hard to come by. It is usually given in books that focus on C*-algebras and thus carry too much technical overload for the reader who only wants these basic results of Harmonic Analysis. Other proofs use the structure theory which carries the reader away in a different direction. Here the authors consider the Banach-algebra approach more elegant and enlighting. They provide a streamlined approach that reaches the main results directly, and they also give the generalizations to the non-Abelian case. Another main pillar of Harmonic analysis is the Poisson Summation Formula. We give its generalization to LCA-groups. The Selberg Trace Formula is considered the generalization of the Poisson Formula to non-abelian groups. The authors give the first textbook approach to this deep and useful formula in full generality. The last two chapters are devoted to examples of applications of the Selberg Trace Formula. -
The 1-2-3 of Modular Forms
This book grew out of three series of lectures given at the summer school on "Modular Forms and their Applications" at the Sophus Lie Conference Center in Nordfjordeid in June 2004. The first series treats the classical one-variable theory of elliptic modular forms. The second series presents the theory of Hilbert modular forms in two variables and Hilbert modular surfaces. The third series gives an introduction to Siegel modular forms and discusses a conjecture by Harder. It also contains Harder's original manuscript with the conjecture. Each part treats a number of beautiful applications, and together they form a comprehensive survey for the novice and a useful reference for a broad group of mathematicians. -
2011版数学基础过关660题:数学三,ISBN:9787560534411,作者:李永乐 主编 -
你好!数学.第二辑 最亲切的数学概念启蒙图画书
你好!数学.最亲切的数学概念启蒙图画书(第2阶段10册套装),ISBN:9787535361158,作者:仇艳 译 (韩国)古艺江,等编 (韩国)车正仁 等绘 -
Elementary Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems
The Sixth Edition of this acclaimed differential equations book remains the same classic volume it's always been, but has been polished and sharpened to serve readers even more effectively. Offers precise and clear-cut statements of fundamental existence and uniqueness theorems to allow understanding of their role in this subject. Features a strong numerical approach that emphasizes that the effective and reliable use of numerical methods often requires preliminary analysis using standard elementary techniques. Inserts new graphics and text where needed for improved accessibility. A useful reference for readers who need to brush up on differential equations.