Applied Computational Economics and Finance
This book presents a variety of computational methods used to solve dynamic problems in economics and finance. It emphasizes practical numerical methods rather than mathematical proofs and focuses on techniques that apply directly to economic analyses. The examples are drawn from a wide range of subspecialties of economics and finance, with particular emphasis on problems in agricultural and resource economics, macroeconomics, and finance. The book also provides an extensive Web-site library of computer utilities and demonstration programs.The book is divided into two parts. The first part develops basic numerical methods, including linear and nonlinear equation methods, complementarity methods, finite-dimensional optimization, numerical integration and differentiation, and function approximation. The second part presents methods for solving dynamic stochastic models in economics and finance, including dynamic programming, rational expectations, and arbitrage pricing models in discrete and continuous time. The book uses MATLAB to illustrate the algorithms and includes a utilities toolbox to help readers develop their own computational economics applications. -
Algebraic Curves and Riemann Surfaces (Graduate Studies in Mathematics, Vol 5)
线性代数,ISBN:9787040317954,作者:李尚志 编著 -
《离散数学引论》以简洁和通俗的形式介绍组合数学的一些本质性内容图论的重要问题,计数方法和试验设计,其中图论约占一半篇幅。《离散数学引论》很适于和中国中学数学教材的内容相衔接,阅读《离散数学引论》所需的预备知识只是中学数学(唯一的例外是在图论中需要矩阵的描述方式,但即使没有学过线性代数,也是可以接受的)。 书中有大量习题和例题,习题附有部分解答和提示,适于自学。《离散数学引论》可用作数学、计算机科学、信息科学等专业大学本科生的组合数学教材,可在大学一年级讲授。 -
The Symmetries of Things
Start with a single shape. Repeat it in some way - translation, reflection over a line, rotation around a point - and you have created symmetry. Symmetry is a fundamental phenomenon in art, science, and nature that has been captured, described, and analyzed using mathematical concepts for a long time. Inspired by the geometric intuition of Bill Thurston and empowered by his own analytical skills, John Conway, with his coauthors, has developed a comprehensive mathematical theory of symmetry that allows the description and classification of symmetries in numerous geometric environments. This richly and compellingly illustrated book addresses the phenomenological, analytical, and mathematical aspects of symmetry on three levels that build on one another and will speak to interested lay people, artists, working mathematicians, and researchers. -
《工科数学分析基础教学辅导书(上册)》是“高等教育百门精品课程教材建设计划”(此计划作为整体已列入新闻出版总署“十五”国家重点图书规划)研究成果之一,是与西安交通大学马知恩和王绵森教授主编的普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材《工科数学分析基础》(第二版)(上册)相配套的教学辅导书。 《工科数学分析基础教学辅导书(上册)》每章内容分为三个部分:主要内容剖析;教学要求、典型例题与讨论题;习题选解。《工科数学分析基础教学辅导书(上册)》可作为工科学生学习高等数学课程的学习辅导书,并兼顾任课教师的教学需要,同时也可供其他非数学类专业的学生和教师参考。