Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research (Analytical Methods for Social Research)
Essential Mathematics for Political and Social Research addresses an educational deficiency in the social and behavioral sciences. This 2006 book was the first of its kind to specifically address the comprehensive introduction to the mathematical principles needed by modern social scientists. The material introduces basic mathematical principles necessary to do analytical work in the social sciences, starting from first principles, but without unnecessary complexity. The core purpose is to present fundamental notions in standard notation and standard language with a clear, unified framework throughout. Through examples and exercises, this book is intended to not only motivate specific mathematical principles and practices, but also introduce the way that social science researchers use these tools. The intended emphasis is on conceptual understanding of key principles and their subsequent application. -
《统计模拟(第4版)》首先介绍了产生某些分布随机数的一些方法, 之后又较详细地介绍了统计模拟中常用的一些方法, 如离散事件模拟方法、方差缩减技术、模拟数据的统计分析方法、统计验证方法、MCMC 方法等; 并通过某些实例, 对这些方法的应用进行了较详细的说明。《统计模拟(第4版)》最后还提供了不同难度的习题。统计模拟是数理统计中非常有用的工具之一, 它是利用计算机产生某概率模型的随机数,再通过这些随机数来模拟真实模型。 《统计模拟(第4版)》可作为高等院校数学、统计学、科学计算、保险学和精算学等专业的本科教材, 也可作为工程技术人员和精算师等应用工作者的参考用书。 -
本书系作者在为研究生讲授群论的讲义的基础上编写的。 全书共分八章。前两章讨论有限群及其表示的基本数学理论;第三、第四章讨论点群在分析晶体宏观性质中的应用;第五章讨论群论与量子力学的关系;第六章讨论空间群的不可约表示及其在能带理论中的应用;最后两章介绍晶格动力学中的群论方法,色群及其表示理论。全书内容详尽,结构完整,特别是针对固体物理学中的问题讨论了群的性质和应用,有助于读者有效地应用群的知识,简洁的处理有关计算问题。 本书可供理科硕士研究生和高年级本科生作教材使用,亦可供有关科研人员参考。 -
《万向思维•10分钟掌控课堂•高效课时通:数学(9年级下册)(人教版)》以教师参考用书为标准,结合实际教学情况,按课时编写学习内容,完全与课堂学习同步,既可以随堂使用,检查课堂知识的掌握情况,又可以课后使用,进一步巩固强化知识。紧跟课本知识,通过各种形式的习题训练,来加深对概念的进一步理解。在掌握基本知识的基础上,为了更深层次的理解和运用所学知识来解决生活中的实际问题。 -
Linear and Nonlinear Programming
This third edition of the classic textbook in Optimization has been fully revised and updated. It comprehensively covers modern theoretical insights in this crucial computing area, and will be required reading for analysts and operations researchers in a variety of fields. The book connects the purely analytical character of an optimization problem, and the behavior of algorithms used to solve it. Now, the third edition has been completely updated with recent Optimization Methods. The book also has a new co-author, Yinyu Ye of California's Stanford University, who has written lots of extra material including some on Interior Point Methods.