《物理学中的拓扑和几何(影印版)》主要内容包括:拓扑和几何的概念与方法在物理学中的应用有助于加深人们对物理学的许多重要领域(如凝聚态物理、宇宙学、引力和粒子物理)的理解,《物理学中的拓扑和几何(影印版)》是一本关于几何和拓扑在这些领域中的应用与发展的高级教材,书中分章节相对独立地介绍了规范理论、BRST量子化、手性异常、超对称孤子和非交换几何中的拓扑概念。《物理学中的拓扑和几何(影印版)》适用于相关专业的研究生、对本领域感兴趣的读者以及讲授相关课程的教师。 -
Basic Training in Mathematics
Based on course material used by the author at Yale University, this practical text addresses the widening gap found between the mathematics required for upper-level courses in the physical sciences and the knowledge of incoming students. This superb book offers students an excellent opportunity to strengthen their mathematical skills by solving various problems in differential calculus. By covering material in its simplest form, students can look forward to a smooth entry into any course in the physical sciences. -
《简明抽象代数》是大学本科一学期周3 学时的“抽像代数”课的教材,主要内容是群、环、域的基础知识。《简明抽象代数》的特点是简明实用,注重讲清抽象代数的思想和精神。 -
Elementary Linear Algebra
This classic treatment of linear algebra presents the fundamentals in the clearest possible way, examining basic ideas by means of computational examples and geometrical interpretation. It proceeds from familiar concepts to the unfamiliar, from the concrete to the abstract. Readers consistently praise this outstanding text for its expository style and clarity of presentation. Clear, accessible, step-by-step explanations make the material crystal clear. The authors spotlight the relationships between concepts to give a unified and complete picture. Established the intricate thread of relationships between systems of equations, matrices, determinants, vectors, linear transformations and eigenvalues. -
Strategies and Games
Game theory has become increasingly popular among undergraduate as well as business school students. This text is the first to provide both a complete theoretical treatment of the subject and a variety of real-world applications, primarily in economics, but also in business, political science, and the law. Strategies and Games grew out of Prajit Dutta's experience teaching a course in game theory over the last six years at Columbia University.The book is divided into three parts: Strategic Form Games and Their Applications, Extensive Form Games and Their Applications, and Asymmetric Information Games and Their Applications. The theoretical topics include dominance solutions, Nash equilibrium, backward induction, subgame perfect equilibrium, repeated games, dynamic games, Bayes-Nash equilibrium, mechanism design, auction theory, and signaling. An appendix presents a thorough discussion of single-agent decision theory, as well as the optimization and probability theory required for the course.Every chapter that introduces a new theoretical concept opens with examples and ends with a case study. Case studies include Global Warming and the Internet, Poison Pills, Treasury Bill Auctions, and Final Jeopardy. Each part of the book also contains several chapter-length applications including Bankruptcy Law, the NASDAQ market, OPEC, and the Commons problem. This is also the first text to provide a detailed analysis of dynamic strategic interaction. -
《微分几何(第4版)》是普通高等教育“十一五”国家级规划教材,在第三版的基础上修订而成。这次再版主要是增加了比较微分几何的内容,使读者进一步学习近代比较黎曼几何时,有较好的分析准备和直观的几何背景;同时在第四章§3中增加了“负常高斯曲率的曲面”的内容,删除了§4“紧致曲面的高斯-波涅公式和欧拉示性数”一节。 《微分几何(第4版)》可供高等师范院校数学系用作教材。