《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》几乎涵盖了组合数学中所有有趣的主题,如中国邮递员问题、中国的九连环问题、友谊定理等,当然也收集了若干前沿内容。这本优秀的组合数学教材是作者20多年研究和教学经验的结晶。全书分成初级篇和高级篇两个部分,共18章内容,每章都以“专题一技术一算法”的模式呈现,阐述深入浅出,简明易懂。 《组合数学专题、技术与算法(英文版)》适合作为高等院校高年级本科生与低年级研究生的组合数学课程教材,也适合各理工学科科研人员参考。 -
Additive Combinatorics
Additive combinatorics is the theory of counting additive structures in sets. This theory has seen exciting developments and dramatic changes in direction in recent years thanks to its connections with areas such as number theory, ergodic theory and graph theory. This graduate-level 2006 text will allow students and researchers easy entry into this fascinating field. Here, the authors bring together in a self-contained and systematic manner the many different tools and ideas that are used in the modern theory, presenting them in an accessible, coherent, and intuitively clear manner, and providing immediate applications to problems in additive combinatorics. The power of these tools is well demonstrated in the presentation of recent advances such as Szemeredi's theorem on arithmetic progressions, the Kakeya conjecture and Erdos distance problems, and the developing field of sum-product estimates. The text is supplemented by a large number of exercises and new results. -
《统计模型:理论和实践(英文版·第2版)》内容简介:Some books are correct. Some are clear. Some are useful. Some are entertaining. Few are even two of these. This book is all four. Statistical Models: Theory and Practice is lucid, candid and insightful, a joy to read. We are fortunate that David Freedman finished this new edition before his death in late 2008. We are deeply saddened by his passing, and we greatly admire the energy and cheer he brought to this volume——and many other projects——-during his final months. -
《普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材:数学专业英语(第2版)》以数学文献(主要是教材)的阅读理解为重点,讲授掌握数学专业英语的基本方法。作者吴炯圻将全书分为六章。第一章介绍数学英语的特点和阅读翻译的基本方法;第二章为精读课程,分为12课,每课含3篇短文,附有生词与词组、预习要求、注释与说明和课外作业;第三章是阅读提高课程,根据内容分为6节,共含30篇短文,取材于各个数学分支英文版的本科、研究生教材和参考书;第四章是英语数学论文写作基础;第五章是查阅(包括上网查阅)英语数学文献的基本知识;第六章是数学文献常用词汇。 -
《随机过程初级教程》系统论述随机过程的基本理论和方法,理论与实际应用并重。书中主要内容有:马尔可夫链、连续时间马尔可夫链、更新过程、鞅论、布朗运动、分支过程和平稳随机过程。 -
数学文化,ISBN:9787302151876,作者:方延明 编著