《微积分(上册)》是在原上海交通大学应用数学系编写的《高等数学》使用多年的基础上改编而成的微积分教材。本册主要包括了一元微积分和微分方程的内容。全书共分六章:函数;极限和连续;导数和微分;微分中值定理和导数的应用;积分;微分方程。《微积分(上册)》在保持微积分教材的传统框架下,要领论述更加清晰,推理更加简明扼要,强调微积分的基本思想和方法。全书给出了大量例题,每章编排有配套习题和补充题,书末附有计算题的答案。 《微积分(上册)》可作为高等学校非数学专业的教材或教学参考书。 -
Algebraic Topology
William S. Massey Professor Massey, born in Illinois in 1920, received his bachelor's degree from the University of Chicago and then served for four years in the U.S. Navy during World War II. After the War he received his Ph.D. from Princeton University and spent two additional years there as a post-doctoral research assistant. He then taught for ten years on the faculty of Brown University, and moved to his present position at Yale in 1960. He is the author of numerous research articles on algebraic topology and related topics. This book developed from lecture notes of courses taught to Yale undergraduate and graduate students over a period of several years. -
This book is for the honors undergraduate or introductory graduate course. Linear algebra is tightly integrated into the text. This introduction to modern algebra emphasizes concrete mathematics and features a strong linear algebra approach. -
《趣味代数学》是俄罗斯著名科普作家别莱利曼百余部作品之一。 本书的目标一方面是帮助读者搞清,重温并且巩固已掌握的但却不“连贯”和不“牢固”的知识,另一方面还是重点培养读者对代数学的兴趣,书中回避了枯燥的说教,而是与读者分享一些有趣的数学故事,数学史上的难题,把一些普通代数学知识和许多生活中的实际问题结合了起来。一起讨论其中的代数学知识。 作者在本书中所做的所有尝试与努力都是为了达到一个目的——他相信读者一旦对于一门学科发生兴趣,就会加倍注意,也就能够自觉地去深入探索与学习;在兴趣的引导下所学到知识才更加“牢固”。 -
Categories and Sheaves
离散数学(第四版),ISBN:9787302112488,作者:(美)多西(Dossey.J.A.) 等编著,章炯民,王新伟,曹立 译