Introduction to Analytic Number Theory (Undergraduate Texts in Mathematics)
"This book is the first volume of a two-volume textbook for undergraduates and is indeed the crystallization of a course offered by the author at the California Institute of Technology to undergraduates without any previous knowledge of number theory. For this reason, the book starts with the most elementary properties of the natural integers. Nevertheless, the text succeeds in presenting an enormous amount of material in little more than 300 pages."--MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS -
Introduction to Topology
An undergraduate introduction to the fundamentals of topology -- engagingly written, filled with helpful insights, complete with many stimulating and imaginative exercises to help students develop a solid grasp of the subject. -
How to Ace Calculus
Written by three gifted-and funny-teachers, How to Ace Calculus provides humorous and readable explanations of the key topics of calculus without the technical details and fine print that would be found in a more formal text. Capturing the tone of students exchanging ideas among themselves, this unique guide also explains how calculus is taught, how to get the best teachers, what to study, and what is likely to be on exams-all the tricks of the trade that will make learning the material of first-semester calculus a piece of cake. Funny, irreverent, and flexible, How to Ace Calculus shows why learning calculus can be not only a mind-expanding experience but also fantastic fun. -
本书是作者Pugh在伯克利大学讲授数学分析课程30多年之久的基础上编写而成,书中语言表述生动活泼、通俗易懂,引用了很多有价值的例子以及来自 Dieudonne,Littlewood和Osserman等几位数学家的评论,还精心挑选了500多个精彩的练习题。本书内容包括实数、拓扑知识初步、实变函数、函数空间、多元微积分、Lebesgue积分理论等,其中多元微积分的讲法较为接近当前数学界常用的语言,将会对我国数学分析的教学产生积极的影响。... -
《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》是《高等代数与解析几何》的修订版,主要有两大基本特色,一是把几何的观念和代数的方法结合起来组织教与学,二是引入相关数学软件来实践代数与几何中的一些基本问题,并提供网上互动式多功能服务站。修订主要有以下几个方面:1.为了降低学习难度,根据第一版使用的经验和反馈,把第一章里有关线性流形和子空间的内容删除,这些概念放到第1章中出现。2.将第一版使用的有向体积定义作为几何意义放在评注中,把几何空间的直线与平面的内容集中放到新设的第四章。3.考虑到计算多重积分的需要,在第六章第8节补充了有关空间区域到坐标平面投影的求法,并给出了例题和习题。4.对习题的顺序和配备也作了调整,增加了部分入门级的基本题,较难的题排在后面打上星号,可以根据不同的教学需求进行选择。. 《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》分上、下两册。上册包括:向量代数、行列式、线性方程组与线性子空间、几何空间中的平面与直线、矩阵的秩与矩阵的运算、线性空间与欧几里得空间,以及附录(maple的基本知识、mathematica的基本知识、如何利用wims辅助教学、各类名词索引)。 《高等代数与解析几何(第2版)(上册)》可作为高等学校数学类专业高等代数与解析几何课程的教材,也可以作其他相关专业的教学参考书。