《大学数学系列教材•复变函数与积分变换》介绍复变函数与积分变换的基本概念、理论和方法。全书共分9章,主要内容包括:复数与复变函数,解析函数,复变函数的积分,解析函数的级数表示,留数及其应用,共形映射,解析函数在平面场的应用,傅里叶变换,拉普拉斯变换等。 《大学数学系列教材•复变函数与积分变换》中每章的后面给出本章的小结及若干思考型题目,便于读者复习和总结;同时每章还配备了一定数量的习题并在书后给出习题的答案或提示。附录中附有傅氏变换简表和拉氏变换简表,可供学习时查用。 -
Geometry of Surfaces
The geometry of surfaces is an ideal starting point for learning geometry, for, among other reasons, the theory of surfaces of constant curvature has maximal connectivity with the rest of mathematics. This text provides the student with the knowledge of a geometry of greater scope than the classical geometry taught today, which is no longer an adequate basis for mathematics or physics, both of which are becoming increasingly geometric. It includes exercises and informal discussions. -
《李群,李代数及其表示》是一部学习李群,李代数及其表示论的优秀的研究生教材。与其他一些同类著作相比,《李群,李代数及其表示》有两大特点,第一大特点是:作者以一种尽可能少地运用流形知识的方法来研究李群。这种方法十分清晰易懂,使读者可以快速地掌握知识的核心内容。第二大特点是:《李群,李代数及其表示》在给出半单李群及李代数的理论框架之前,通过详尽地介绍SU(2)和SU(3)的表示理论来引入即将介绍的一般内容,这种方式使得读者能够在了解一般理论之前已经有了对根系、权,及Weyl群的简单认识。同时,书中众多的例子和图示可以很好地协助学习并理解一些内容。《李群,李代数及其表示》分为两部分,第一部分主要介绍了李群与李代数,以及它们之间的相互关系,同时还介绍了基础的表示论。第二部分则阐述了半单李群与李代数理论。 This book is intended for a one year graduate course on Lie groups and Lie algebras. The author proceeds beyond the representation theory of compact Lie groups (which is the basis of many texts) and provides a carefully chosen range of material to give the student the bigger picture. For compact Lie groups, the Peter-Weyl theorem, conjugacy of maximal tori (two proofs), Weyl character formula and more are covered. The book continues with the study of complex analytic groups, then general noncompact Lie groups, including the Coxeter presentation of the Weyl group, the Iwasawa and Bruhat decompositions, Cartan decomposition, symmetric spaces, Cayley transforms, relative root systems, Satake diagrams, extended Dynkin diagrams and a survey of the ways Lie groups may be embedded in one another. The book culminates in a "topics" section giving depth to the student's understanding of representation theory, taking the Frobenius-Schur duality between the representation theory of the symmetric group and the unitary groups as a unifying theme, with many applications in diverse areas such as random matrix theory, minors of Toeplitz matrices, symmetric algebra decompositions, Gelfand pairs, Hecke algebras, representations of finite general linear groups and the cohomology of Grassmannians and flag varieties. -
《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》是作者长期从事微分几何基础教学的产物,主要采用外微分形式和活动标架法,介绍欧氏空间曲线和曲面的某些整体性质。内容包括:E3中曲线和曲面的局部概论;活动标架法;曲线的整体微分几何;E3中曲面的整体微分几何;曲面的内蕴几何;高维欧氏空间的超曲面:Finsler几何中的某些变分计算。另有两个附录:欧氏空间点集拓扑概要;曲面的拓扑分类。书中介绍了整体微分几何的许多基本概念和方法技巧,既论述经典理论,也兼顾近代进展,并包含了丰富的微分几何参考文献,使读者在学完《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》后,能独立进行整体微分几何的某些研究。 《整体微分几何初步(第3版)》可作为高等院校数学系学生及研究生的教材,也可供数学和物理工作者参考。 -
This major survey features the work of 18 outstanding mathematicians. Primary subjects include analytic geometry, algebra, ordinary and partial differential equations, the calculus of variations, functions of a complex variable, prime numbers, and theories of probability and functions. Other topics include linear and non-Euclidean geometry, topology, functional analysis, more. 1963 edition. -