2008年星火高等数学习题详解(与同济六版教材上、下册配套),ISBN:9787201059815,作者:吕成军 编著 -
数学思想概论:图形与图形关系的抽象(第2辑),ISBN:9787560255767,作者:史宁春 著 -
An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica®
An Introduction to Programming with Mathematica® is designed to introduce the Mathematica programming language to a wide audience. Since the last edition of this book was published, significant changes have occurred in Mathematica and its use worldwide. Keeping pace with these changes, this substantially larger, updated version includes new and revised chapters on numerics, procedural, rule-based, and front-end programming, and gives significant coverage to the latest features up to, and including, Mathematica 5.1 Mathematica notebooks, available from www.cambridge.org/0521846781, contain examples, programs, and solutions to exercises in the book. Additionally, material to supplement later versions of the software will be made available. This is the ideal text for all scientific students, researchers, and programmers wishing to deepen their understanding of Mathematica, or even those keen to program using an interactive language that contains programming paradigms from all major programming languages: procedural, functional, recursive, rule-based, and object-oriented. -
Mathematical Proofs
Mathematical Proofs: A Transition to Advanced Mathematics, Third Edition, prepares students for the more abstract mathematics courses that follow calculus. Appropriate for self-study or for use in the classroom, this text introduces students to proof techniques, analyzing proofs, and writing proofs of their own. Written in a clear, conversational style, this book provides a solid introduction to such topics as relations, functions, and cardinalities of sets, as well as the theoretical aspects of fields such as number theory, abstract algebra, and group theory. It is also a great reference text that students can look back to when writing or reading proofs in their more advanced courses. -
《数学聊斋》集知识性、思想性和趣味性为一体,说理直观浅显,通俗易懂,充分展示数学之美。《数学聊斋》主要内容包括数学悖论,第一次、第二次、第三次数学危机,哥德尔不可判定命题、混沌、NPC理论等非平凡问题;算术、几何、图论、组合当中的有趣问题;数学思想与数学哲学当中的敏感问题等共计151个问题。如将来数学还会产生悖论与危机吗?尚未解决的数学难题是否为不可判定命题?既然是确定性系统为什么会产生紊动?愚公移山式的穷举法为什么可能无效?2+2为什么等于4?三角形内角和究竟多少度?核武库的钥匙有几把?牛顿创立的微积分能得100分吗?数学家是些什么人?数学定理为什么要证明?等等。 《数学聊斋》读者对象为中学生、大学生、中小学教师及数学爱好者。 -
Commutative Algebra
This is a comprehensive review of commutative algebra, from localization and primary decomposition through dimension theory, homological methods, free resolutions and duality, emphasizing the origins of the ideas and their connections with other parts of mathematics. The book gives a concise treatment of Grobner basis theory and the constructive methods in commutative algebra and algebraic geometry that flow from it. Many exercises included.