本书由市场微观结构研究领域的一流学者所著,它为金融学这一重要领域中的理论工作提供了一个全面的引导。在对市场微观结构的主要研究题目和问题进行介绍之后,本书研究了在存货理论基础上建立起来的理论模型,进而扩展成基于信息的模型,并特别关注了其与理性预期以及学习模型之间的联系。最后的几个章节主要讲的是价格的动态变化,各种模型对特定微观结构问题的应用,包括流动性、多市场交易、市场结构和市场设计。市场微观结构理论的附录包括了从贝叶斯学习理论和理性预期框架上扩展而来的各种模型。 -
本书详述摆荡指标的一般性质,并深入探讨各种常用的价格、杨交量与广度摆荡指标,包括:RSI、ROC、随机指标、MACD、麦克里伦摆荡指标、加总指数、阿姆斯指数……另外,书中也说明抛物线系统与趋向系统的运用方法,这都是判断横向走势与顺势行情和重要准则。除此之外,作者还详细说明了他自创的KST指标。 -
Introductory Econometrics for Finance
This introduction to contemporary topics in the modelling of financial time series is data and problem driven, giving students the skills to estimate and interpret models, and intuitively grasp the underlying theoretical econometrics. An introductory knowledge of calculus, algebra, statistics and regression analysis is assumed. The book focuses on the needs of finance students and uses pedagogic textbook features throughout, notably in the later chapters, which offer advice on planning and executing a project in empirical finance, and which also evaluates sources of on-line financial information. -
Inside the Black Box
New edition of book that demystifies quant and algo trading In this updated edition of his bestselling book, Rishi K Narang offers in a straightforward, nontechnical style-supplemented by real-world examples and informative anecdotes-a reliable resource takes you on a detailed tour through the black box. He skillfully sheds light upon the work that quants do, lifting the veil of mystery around quantitative trading and allowing anyone interested in doing so to understand quants and their strategies. This new edition includes information on High Frequency Trading. Offers an update on the bestselling book for explaining in non-mathematical terms what quant and algo trading are and how they work Provides key information for investors to evaluate the best hedge fund investments Explains how quant strategies fit into a portfolio, why they are valuable, and how to evaluate a quant manager This new edition of Inside the Black Box explains quant investing without the jargon and goes a long way toward educating investment professionals. -
《精通Excel风险建模:公司金融风险管理指南(第2版)》介绍了运用Excel软件建立风险分析模型的各种实用功能与技术,尤其是针对不确定性分析,提供了详细的指导。《精通Excel风险建模:公司金融风险管理指南(第2版)》采用图形界面的形式,并配备风险建模运算光盘,对读者而言非常实用。 《精通Excel风险建模:公司金融风险管理指南(第2版)》是《金融时报》(FT)精通金融译丛之一。 《精通Excel风险建模:公司金融风险管理指南(第2版)》以及随书赠送的CD光盘可帮助读者展开具体的建模实践,在Excel中进行完善的表格设计和风险建模。能够提高金融管理者应用Excel的能力;展示了Excel建模的系统方法,从而达到快速提升技能和纠正错误的目的;提供基础的范本,附赠的CD光盘可以帮助读者进一步提高应用能力。提供了更多的信用风险模型,如资产组合、VaR以及破产模型;Excel 2003、Excel 2007均能适用;Excel的统计工具和方法应用更为充分;提供了借贷和偿还能力的建议;提供了寻找最小风险方案的建议;涉及了固定收益风险建模;对于一些复杂功能的实现,给出了宏的源代码。 《精通Excel风险建模:公司金融风险管理指南(第2版)》适合金融领域的各级从业人员以及高等院校金融专业的师生阅读。 海报: