《问道量化投资:用MATLAB来敲门》主要讲述以MATLAB为分析工具的量化投资,由“MATLAB入门”、“MATLAB量化投资基础”和“MATLAB量化投资相关函数详解”3篇组成。入门篇让零编程基础的读者快速掌握强大的数值计算和模拟分析工具MATLAB;量化投资基础篇简要介绍相关的投资策略及模型,重点讲述MATLAB中的模型实现及应用;函数详解篇对MATLAB的金融工具箱、衍生品工具箱和固定收益工具箱中的全部函数一一进行详解,以帮助读者快速掌握这些函数。 -
After the Music Stopped
One of our wisest and most clear-eyed economic thinkers offers a masterful narrative of the crisis and its lessons Many fine books on the financial crisis were first drafts of history—books written to fill the need for immediate understanding. Alan S. Blinder, esteemed Princeton professor, Wall Street Journal columnist, and former deputy chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, held off, taking the time to understand the crisis and to think his way through to a truly comprehensive and coherent narrative of how the worst economic crisis in postwar American history happened, what the government did to fight it, and what we can do from here—mired as we still are in its wreckage. With bracing clarity, Blinder shows us how the U.S. financial system, which had grown far too complex for its own good—and too unregulated for the public good—experienced a perfect storm beginning in 2007. Things started unraveling when the much-chronicled housing bubble burst, but the ensuing implosion of what Blinder calls the “bond bubble” was larger and more devastating. Some people think of the financial industry as a sideshow with little relevance to the real economy—where the jobs, factories, and shops are. But finance is more like the circulatory system of the economic body: if the blood stops flowing, the body goes into cardiac arrest. When America’s financial structure crumbled, the damage proved to be not only deep, but wide. It took the crisis for the world to discover, to its horror, just how truly interconnected—and fragile—the global financial system is. Some observers argue that large global forces were the major culprits of the crisis. Blinder disagrees, arguing that the problem started in the U.S. and was pushed abroad, as complex, opaque, and overrated investment products were exported to a hungry world, which was nearly poisoned by them. The second part of the story explains how American and international government intervention kept us from a total meltdown. Many of the U.S. government’s actions, particularly the Fed’s, were previously unimaginable. And to an amazing—and certainly misunderstood—extent, they worked. The worst did not happen. Blinder offers clear-eyed answers to the questions still before us, even if some of the choices ahead are as divisive as they are unavoidable. After the Music Stopped is an essential history that we cannot afford to forget, because one thing history teaches is that it will happen again. -
《公司基本面分析实务:把握能把握的机会》内容简介:作者曾为长盛基金、天弘基金等基金公司、中国人寿、中英人寿等保险公司、招商证券、中银国际、民族证券等券商的投资研究部门提供基本面分析内部培训;为中海油、中海油服、中广核、大唐国际等大型国企提供EVA价值管理体系建设咨询;为《财富(中文版)》、《财经·金融实务》、《中国证券报》、《证券市场周刊》等财经媒体提供上市公司价值分析数据。 -
The Alpha Masters
The ultimate behind-the-scenes look at the hedge fund industry, The Alpha Masters: Unlocking the Genius of the World's Top Hedge Funds offers an unprecedented glimpse into the strategies and investment criteria serious money managers use to determine and evaluate their positions and maximize their hedge fund profits, in their own words. Author and CNBC hedge fund specialist Maneet Ahuja has unrivalled access to the masters of the market, and in this game-changing new book, she takes their stories public for the first time. Bringing the secretive world of hedge funds out into the light of day, the book includes interviews with star fund managers: Ray Dalio, Bridgewater Associates Pierre LaGrange and Tim Wong, Man Group / AHL John Paulson, Paulson & Co. Marc Lasry and Sonia Gardner, Avenue Capital Group David Tepper, Appaloosa Management William A. Ackman, Pershing Square Capital Management Daniel Loeb, Third Point James Chanos, Kynikos Associates Boaz Weinstein, Saba Capital Management Experts at outperforming the market, many of these industry luminaries have never talked as candidly about their experiences—and the lessons they've learned—as they do in these pages. Ahuja's unparalleled insider access allows her to bring the remarkable stories of these eleven incredibly successful individuals vividly to life as no one else can. Accessible and insightful, The Alpha Masters gets to the very heart of what makes these men and women so profitable. Packed with unique insights into the psychology of the hedge fund trade that are sure to help readers replicate the successes of the managers profiled here for themselves, the book is a provocative analysis of today's investing landscape. Essential reading for business and investment readers of all backgrounds, The Alpha Masters is a true tell-all about life in the innermost chambers of the world of hedge funds, from a reporter on the front lines. -
计量经济学基础 第5版 上下册
《计量经济学基础(第5版)(上下册)》是一本经典的初级计量经济学教材,第一版问世至今已有三十年。对于初涉计量经济学而又没有太多数学背景的读者来说,这本书可以帮助你在短时间内了解计量经济学的脉络。本书的主要特点是: (1)读者不需要高深的数学知识,只要具备基本的数学知识就可以阅读本书; (2)运用大量的经济计量模型实例,特别是图形进行分析,易于读者的理解; (3)书中突出强调了计量经济学对经济和金融数据的应用分析,一些模型的引用对相关专业的读者解决实际问题很有指导意义。 -
《估值建模》是“实用投融资分析师”认证考试“估值建模”科目的统编教材,全书分8章,阐述了估值建模的理论知识及实际应用。 第1章“价值的基本概念”从对价值理解的不同角度出发,介绍了一系列价值概念的区别与联系。然后重点介绍企业价值以及在估值中常用的价值等式。理解企业价值的含义和掌握价值等式是学习本章的关键,也是接下来学习估值理论和方法以及估值建模的基础。 第2、3章主要介绍绝对估值法和相对估值法两大类估值方法。该部分介绍了多种常用估值方法的原理、步骤及应用注意事项,掌握这些估值方法的原理和优缺点是学习本章的关键。第4至7章逐步向读者展现了如何通过Excel模型对一家公司进行财务预测以及价值评估,是本教材的重点。该部分按照实际工作的顺序,分为“建模前期准备”、“财务预测模型”、“估值模型”及“建模后续工作”四章,既有对建模过程详细的文字讲解,又配以大量的Excel界面截图,以帮助读者真正掌握建模的操作要点,达到可以独立构建财务预测与估值模型的目的。 第8章讨论了“创业板估值”、“房地产公司估值”以及“金融机构估值”三个专题,便于读者了解在特别类型的公司或一些特别行业中估值建模的实际应用。 对于Excel运用较少、操作不熟练的读者,配套编写的《Excel财务建模手册》可以帮助读者快速掌握Excel的有关操作方法。对于已掌握Excel基本操作方法,但想进一步追求规范建模的读者,本手册也可成为很好的提高工具。该手册由中国金融出版社出版发行。