The Concepts and Practice of Mathematical Finance
An ideal introduction for those starting out as practitioners of mathematical finance, this book provides a clear understanding of the intuition behind derivatives pricing, how models are implemented, and how they are used and adapted in practice. Strengths and weaknesses of different models, e.g. Black-Scholes, stochastic volatility, jump-diffusion and variance gamma, are examined. Both the theory and the implementation of the industry-standard LIBOR market model are considered in detail. Each pricing problem is approached using multiple techniques including the well-known PDE and martingale approaches. This second edition contains many more worked examples and over 200 exercises with detailed solutions. Extensive appendices provide a guide to jargon, a recap of the elements of probability theory, and a collection of computer projects. The author brings to this book a blend of practical experience and rigorous mathematical background and supplies here the working knowledge needed to become a good quantitative analyst. -
《新古典金融学》根据金融领域近几十年在理论和实证上的进展,对现代金融学的基本原理进行了简明而有力的阐述。斯蒂芬·A·罗斯发展了无套利原理,将资产定价和金融市场上没有免费的午餐这样的简单命题紧密联系起来,他还与约翰·考克斯(John cox)一起提出了与无套利相关联的风险中性定价的概念。在《新古典金融学》中,罗斯以强有力的证据说明,这些概念是现代金融学,特别是市场有效性的重要支柱。在一个有效的市场中,价格将反映市场所拥有的所有信息,因此,任何利用普遍可获得的信息以击败市场的交易企图注定都要失败。 与此形成鲜明对比,当前流行的看法是由研究金融市场上一些明显的异象而兴起的行为金融学的解释,它认为,市场价格会受到投资者心理冲动的影响。但是罗斯表明,无须借助心理学,新古典金融理论也能为行为金融学所迷恋的很多异象提供简单而丰富的解释。 这本精心撰写的著作是在普林斯顿大学本德海姆金融研究中心(Bendheim Center for Finance of Princeton University)主办的普林斯顿金融讲座的首讲讲义基础上完成的,可以说是对正在进行的市场有效性辩论的重要贡献,也可作为学者或实务工作者在金融学基础方面的有用的入门读物。 -
《金融工程》分为三大部分:第一章从发展历史、分析方法的角度介绍金融工程的一般知识;第二至十六章分别介绍远期、期货、互换和期权等主要金融衍生产品的基础知识、市场制度、定价和运用,具体又可分为远期和期货(第二至五章)、互换(第六至八章)、期权(第九至十六章)三个部分;第十七章则对现代金融风险管理的基础知识进行了介绍。全书强调知识的应用性,注重理论模型的严谨性,配有大量丰富且贴近现实的案例解析。 -
本书组织了上海证券交易所和基金行业的专家力量,系统介绍了ETF的基本概念、产品特点、优势、风险、交易机制以及投资策略等,内容全面丰富,并且对ETF交易机制和投资策略的讲解多从实践出发,列举大量的实际操作案例,内容贴近实战,投资者运用的可操作性强,不仅可作为普通投资者的基础读物,也可作为专业投资者的投资指南。 -
2009年,比特币诞生。比特币是一种通过密码编码,在复杂算法的大量计算下产生的电子货币。虽然是虚拟货币,比特币却引起了前所未有的全球关注热潮。 这一串凝结着加密算法与运算能力的数字不仅可以安全流通、换取实物,1比特币价值甚至曾高达8 000元人民币。有研究者认为比特币具备打破几千年来全球货币由国家垄断发行的可能性。在不经意间,比特币引起的金融新浪潮已悄然成型。 虚拟货币并不是新鲜事物,为什么只有比特币受到如此追捧?它激烈变动的价格行情更让投资者们担心:比特币的合理价格到底是多少?其价格的支撑体系又在哪里?如此剧烈的上下波动是不是预示着它的不稳定直至最终崩盘? 作为国内首批参与并研究比特币的开拓者,《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》作者们对这些问题都有着深刻的理解。本书从介绍比特币的概念出发,全面、系统地阐述了比特币的起源、发展、技术原理、生态圈等关键问题,还大胆畅想了比特币的现实应用、未来前景。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》坦然面对比特币引发的种种争议,针对政府、货币体系等问题,以开放的态度、翔实的资料与读者交流,深入探讨比特币改变全球现行货币体系,朝货币发行非国家化的方向前进的可能性,揭示了比特币对现实金融业,甚至对未来世界的影响。 《比特币:一个虚幻而真实的金融世界》讲述的是一场伟大的货币实验,及一个虚幻而真实的金融世界。如何认识与思考这一实验,有助于理解互联网时代金融世界的逻辑。 -
Algorithmic Trading
Praise for Algorithmic Trading: "Algorithmic Trading is an insightful book on quantitative trading written by a seasoned practitioner. What sets this book apart from many others in the space is the emphasis on real examples as opposed to just theory. Concepts are not only described, they are brought to life with actual trading strategies, which give the reader insight into how and why each strategy was developed, how it was implemented, and even how it was coded. This book is a valuable resource for anyone looking to create their own systematic trading strategies and those involved in manager selection, where the knowledge contained in this book will lead to a more informed and nuanced conversation with managers." (Daren Smith, CFA, CAIA, FSA, Managing Director, Manager Selection & Portfolio Construction, University of Toronto Asset Management). "Using an excellent selection of mean reversion and momentum strategies, Ernie explains the rationale behind each one, shows how to test it, how to improve it, and discusses implementation issues. His book is a careful, detailed exposition of the scientific method applied to strategy development. For serious retail traders, I know of no other book that provides this range of examples and level of detail. His discussions of how regime changes affect strategies, and of risk management, are invaluable bonuses." (Roger Hunter, Mathematician and Algorithmic Trader).