《连续时间金融》(修订版)从代理人可以在连续时间中调整其决策这样一个模型出发,发展了金融数学和金融经济理论。时间和不确定性是影响金融经济行为的核心要素。也正是时间和不确定性二者相互作用的复杂性,为金融研究提出了智力上的挑战并使之激动之心。正确分析二者相互作用的影响,通常需要复杂的分析工具。实际上,高深的数学训练已经成为本领域研究者必备的条件。然而,尽管它的数学很复杂,但金融理论还是对金融实践产生了直接的、巨大的影响。只要我们随便将当前的实践与20年前的实践比较一下,就足以发现有效市场理论、投资组合选择、风险分析以及未定权益定价理论对货币管理、金融中介机构、投资银行、公司金融以及资本预算程序所产生的冲击;人们甚至还能发现金融理论对法律问题产生的影响,例如涉及到资产评估的案件、对受管制行业收益率的听证以及对监管那些信托机构“精明人”行为创新的浪潮中,金融理论所起的作用。 -
《数理金融基准分析法》第一部分介绍了概率理论、统计学、随机微积分以及带跳跃的随机微分方程中的一些必要工具。第二部分专门介绍了基准分析法的金融建模。这一部分对衍生工具的真实世界定价与对冲的多种数量方法进行了解释。其应用的一般性框架可以增进读者对随机波动率本质的了解。《数理金融基准分析法》适用于数量分析师、研究生以及金融、经济和保险领域的从业人士。《数理金融基准分析法》旨在为具有一定数学或数量背景的读者提供一个自成体系、容易理解但又具有数学意义上的严谨性的数理金融入门读物。最后,我们相信《数理金融基准分析法》通过对基准分析法的威力和广泛适用性的描述将激起读者们对基准分析法的浓厚兴趣。 -
《计量经济学导论(第3册)》从计量经济学专业人士的视角来讲授计量经济学导论,不仅使这门学科更有意思,而且实际上讲解起来还更简单。其内容有:计量经济学的性质与经济数据、简单回归模型等。 -
An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, Second Edition
This popular text, publishing Spring 1999 in its Second Edition, introduces the mathematics underlying the pricing of derivatives. The increase of interest in dynamic pricing models stems from their applicability to practical situations: with the freeing of exchange, interest rates, and capital controls, the market for derivative products has matured and pricing models have become more accurate. Professor Neftci's book answers the need for a resource targeting professionals, Ph.D. students, and advanced MBA students who are specifically interested in these financial products. The Second Edition is designed to make the book the main text in first year masters and Ph.D. programs for certain courses, and will continue to be an important manual for market professionals. -
本书的目标读者主要是本科生或硕士研究生(包括MBA学生),这些学生需要掌握广泛的现代计量经济技术。同时我们也希望,该书对需要了解金融领域广泛使用的统计工具的研究者(包括理论型的和应用型的)有所帮肋。本书还可用于金融学、金融经济学、证券和投资学的本科生或研究生的金融时间序列分析或金融计量经济学课程。 为了尽可能被读者所接受,本书尽量降低数量技术知识方面的要求,读者只需具备初等的微积分,代数(包括矩阵)以及基础统计学知识即可,本书在附录部分对它们进行了简单的叙述。本书始终强调的是将这些技术有效地应用于处理金融领域中的真实数据和问题。 在金融和投资领域方面,本书假定读者已具有公司理财,金融市场和投资学的基础知识。因此,诸如现代投资组合理论、资本资产定价模型(CAPM)、套利定价理论(APT)、有效市场假说、衍生证券定价以及利率期限结构等问题,虽然在整本书中经常提及,但本书并未对其进行深入探讨。 -
Building Financial Models
The ability to effectively create and interpret financial models is one of the most valued skills in corporate finance--from Wall Street to Main Street. Now, the acclaimed guide to designing, building, and implementing valuation projection models is fully revised and expanded to keep finance and accounting professionals competitive in today's marketplace. This second edition of Building Financial Models continues the tradition of its predecessor by providing a hands-on approach to creating a core model that is supported by broad coverage of cornerstone accounting and finance principles. Additionally, this updated volume features: Entirely new coverage of discounted cash flow (DCF) modeling Excel formulas for making powerful calculations within the spreadsheet In-depth explanations of both the principles and mechanics of projection models Building Financial Models helps readers practice good thinking and apply sound knowledge of their tools--two key attributes to producing robust and easy-to-use models. This practical guide takes you step by step through the entire process of developing a projection model, with a full chapter dedicated to each phase. By the end, you will have a working, dynamic spreadsheet financial model for making projections for industrial and manufacturing companies. Furthermore, this Second Edition provides the vocabulary and syntax of model building so you can tailor core models to fit any size company and allow for quick input changes to test sensitivity. The companion website www.buildingfinancialmodel.com offering example spreadsheets will give you a head start on developing your own models. A flexible and successful financial projection model does more than just add numbers--it explains the complex relationships between those numbers and illuminates ways to use those associations to add value to an enterprise. Building Financial Models is the only book you need to create and implement a fluid financial projection model that is both state of the art and user friendly.