《列宁、黑格尔和西方马克思主义:一种批判性研究》主要内容包括:第一部分:列宁论黑格尔和辩证法、第二部分:1914—1923年列宁论革命的辩证法、1954年至今:列斐伏尔、科莱蒂、阿尔都塞和杜纳耶夫斯卡娅、参考文献、索引等。 -
《理解马克思》是“分析马克思主义”流派的重要代表作之一。作者在书中对马克思的社会理论及其哲学前提进行了系统的批判性审视,并通过对马克思著作文本的广泛讨论,试图运用当代分析哲学和社会科学的资源,对“马克思哲学中活的东西和死的东西”作出评判。作者认为,马克思最经得起考验的成就,是根据异化、剥削、阶级斗争、政治和意识形态理论,对资本主义进行了批判。 -
Why Marx Was Right
In this combative, controversial book, Terry Eagleton takes issue with the prejudice that Marxism is dead and done with. Taking ten of the most common objections to Marxism - that it leads to political tyranny, that it reduces everything to the economic, that it is a form of historical determinism, and so on - he demonstrates in each case what a woeful travesty of Marx's own thought these assumptions are. In a world in which capitalism has been shaken to its roots by some major crises, "Why Marx Was Right" is as urgent and timely as it is brave and candid. Written with Eagleton's familiar wit, humour and clarity, it will attract an audience far beyond the confines of academia. -
The Communist Manifesto
"A spectre is haunting Europe - the spectre of Communism." So begins one of history's most important documents, a work of such magnitude that it has forever changed not only the scope of world politics, but indeed the course of human civilization. The Communist Manifesto was written in Friedrich Engels's clear, striking prose and declared the earth-shaking ideas of Karl Marx. Upon publication in 1848, it quickly became the credo of the poor and oppressed who longed for a society "in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all." The Communist Manifesto contains the seeds of Marx's more comprehensive philosophy, which continues to inspire influential economic, political, social, and literary theories. But the Manifesto is most valuable as an historical document, one that led to the greatest political upheaveals of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and to the establishment of the Communist governments that until recently ruled half the globe. This Bantam Classic edition of The Communist Manifesto includes Marx and Engels's historic 1872 and 1882 prefaces, and Engels's notes and prefaces to the 1883 and 1888 editions. -
《马克思主义经典著作选读》:从前的一切唯物主义——包括费尔巴哈的唯物主义——的主要缺点是:对对象、现实、感性,只是从客体的或者直观的形式去理解,而不是把它们当作人的感性活动,当作实践去理解,不是从主体方面去理解。因此,结果竟是这样,和唯物主义相反,唯心主义却发展了能动的方面,但只是抽象地发展了,因为唯心主义当然是不知道现实的、感性的活动本身的。费尔巴哈想要研究跟思想客体确实不同的感性客体,但是他没有把人的活动本身理解为对象性的[gegenstandliche]活动。 -
《唯物史观的原像》内容简介:论述唯物史观的书,好像有很多,然而一旦我们去稍作列举说明,却会发现出乎意外的少。即便这些较为少数的书,当其与近年来马克思研究的急速发展相对照时,最终也只有作为“经典”的意义存在。我想,要真正实现唯物史观原像的体系再建构,还需要相当长的年月。虽说如此,在对马克思主义的关心愈发广泛高涨的今天,至少,大家都希望能够出现基于近年马克思研究的成果的哪怕是概述也好。 虽然笔者并没有写作概说式论著的能力,只是在外界的不断怂恿下才不顾才疏学浅,对时下马克思恩格斯研究中显露的唯物史观的原像加以素描,依照其粗线的轮廓作了如下描述。 在阐发前人学说的时候,与其摘录各个基本的命题,莫如致力于凸显支撑唯物史观的基本命题和范畴的构想。为此,虽然这不能不是纯粹介绍性的记述,可是,我打算将自己大胆的解释性的个人见解以定言的形式推出。还有,虽然也注意尽可能做到平易的叙述,但由于存在篇幅上的制约,也可能随处留有论说不周之处,恐怕反而散落着一些难解的地方。 回头来看,《唯物史观的原像》的执笔经历了很长的时间。在此期间,也有两三次转用《唯物史观的原像》部分原稿作为独立论文的过程。由此使得出现《唯物史观的原像》的若干地方与已发表的论文的一部分相重复,读者若对上述成书经过予以体谅,笔者则深感荣幸。