Technomobility in China
As unprecedented waves of young, rural women journey to cities in China, not only to work, but also to “see the world”and gain some autonomy, they regularly face significant institutional obstacles as well as deep-seated anti-rural prejudices. Based on immersive fieldwork, Cara Wallis provides an intimate portrait of the social, cultural, and economic implications of mobile communication for a group of young women engaged in unskilled service work in Beijing, where they live and work for indefinite periods of time. While simultaneously situating her work within the fields of feminist studies, technology studies, and communication theory, Wallis explores the way in which the cell phone has been integrated into the transforming social structures and practices of contemporary China, and the ways in which mobile technology enables rural young women—a population that has been traditionally marginalized and deemed as “backward” and “other”—to participate in and create culture, allowing them to perform a modern, rural-urban identity. In this theoretically rich and empirically grounded analysis,Wallis provides original insight into the co-construction of technology and subjectivity as well as the multiple forces that shape contemporary China. -
Online Society in China
《数字迷城:信息爆炸改变你的生活》从经济、政治和社会的角度分析和阐释了互联网技术发展及“信息大爆炸”给人类社会带来的各种机遇与挑战,并尝试探讨信息社会的发展趋势,具有独到的见解和深邃的洞察力。全书内容丰富,涵盖了信息学基础、信息安全、搜索引擎、密码学等信息通信领域热门话题,除此之外还详细地阐述了“信息大爆炸”所带来的有关网络共享和内容安全等问题。书中在讨论每一个话题时,均列举了相关事例或数据,这些内容能够极大地开阔读者的视野,使其跟随作者的脚步,探索互联网影响下的人类社会。 全书语言精练而不失细节,内容翔实、丰富,主旨明确、深刻,兼具知识性、趣味性、思想性和启发性,深入浅出、引人入胜。《数字迷城:信息爆炸改变你的生活》可供信息通信领域的相关人员学习参考,也可供社会上对信息技术改变人类社会生活这一现象感兴趣的普通民众阅读。 -
Social Circles
Businesses are starting to operate in the world of the social web, but most have a very poor understanding of social interaction, and its huge impact on how successful their endeavors will be. It is much more complicated than just business blogs or official company Twitter accounts. Most of people's interactions with each other and with brands happen offline, away from computers, and often away from mobile phones. What people do offline has a huge impact on what they do online. Social Circles, by lead researcher for social media Paul Adams, is about helping business understand this offline/online relationship. Research has shown time and again how people have multiple independent circles of friends, all of whom they trust in different ways, and all of whom wield varying degrees of influence. People are using social networks to interact with people they already know offline, and not to make new connections with people they don’t know. They are recreating their offline social circles online. Understanding these social circles is the key to successful behavioral advertising. -
Here Comes Everybody
A revelatory examination of how the wildfirelike spread of new forms of social interaction enabled by technology is changing the way humans form groups and exist within them, with profound long-term economic and social effects-for good and for ill A handful of kite hobbyists scattered around the world find each other online and collaborate on the most radical improvement in kite design in decades. A midwestern professor of Middle Eastern history starts a blog after 9/11 that becomes essential reading for journalists covering the Iraq war. Activists use the Internet and e-mail to bring offensive comments made by Trent Lott and Don Imus to a wide public and hound them from their positions. A few people find that a world-class online encyclopedia created entirely by volunteers and open for editing by anyone, a wiki, is not an impractical idea. Jihadi groups trade inspiration and instruction and showcase terrorist atrocities to the world, entirely online. A wide group of unrelated people swarms to a Web site about the theft of a cell phone and ultimately goads the New York City police to take action, leading to the culprit's arrest. With accelerating velocity, our age's new technologies of social networking are evolving, and evolving us, into new groups doing new things in new ways, and old and new groups alike doing the old things better and more easily. You don't have to have a MySpace page to know that the times they are a changin'. Hierarchical structures that exist to manage the work of groups are seeing their raisons d'tre swiftly eroded by the rising technological tide. Business models are being destroyed, transformed, born at dizzying speeds, and the larger social impact is profound. One of the culture's wisest observers of the transformational power of the new forms of tech-enabled social interaction is Clay Shirky, and Here Comes Everybody is his marvelous reckoning with the ramifications of all this on what we do and who we are. Like Lawrence Lessig on the effect of new technology on regimes of cultural creation, Shirky's assessment of the impact of new technology on the nature and use of groups is marvelously broad minded, lucid, and penetrating; it integrates the views of a number of other thinkers across a broad range of disciplines with his own pioneering work to provide a holistic framework for understanding the opportunities and the threats to the existing order that these new, spontaneous networks of social interaction represent. Wikinomics, yes, but also wikigovernment, wikiculture, wikievery imaginable interest group, including the far from savory. A revolution in social organization has commenced, and Clay Shirky is its brilliant chronicler. 点击链接进入中文版: 未来是湿的:无组织的组织力量 -
大数据 [3.0升级版]
《大数据》3.0升级精装版,增加作者自序,以及归国以来的演讲、专题——数据是我们新经济的土壤,是我们未来智能社会的土壤,数据可以治国,还可以强国。 美国第一,中国第几?公布官员财产美国是怎么做的,美国能让少数人腐败起来吗?美国式上访是怎么回事?凭什么美国矿难那么少?全民医改美国做得到吗?美国总统大选有什么利器才能赢?下一轮全球洗牌我们世界工厂会被淘汰吗?…… 除了上帝,任何人都必须用数据来说话。 大数据浪潮,汹涌来袭,与互联网的发明一样,这绝不仅仅是信息技术领域的革命,更是在全球范围启动透明政府、加速企业创新、引领社会变革的利器。现代管理学之父德鲁克有言,预测未来最好的方法,就是去创造未来。而“大数据战略”,则是当下领航全球的先机。 大数据,这一世界大潮的来龙去脉如何?数据技术变革,何以能推动政府信息公开、透明和社会公正?何以促发行政管理和商业管理革新,并创造无限商机?又何以既便利又危及我们每个人的生活?Google、百度之类搜索服务,何以会不再有立足之地?引领世界的数据帝国——美国和西欧,正在如何应对大数据时代?我们中国,又当如何作为? 本书通过讲述美国半个多世纪信息开放、技术创新的历史,以别开生面的经典案例——奥巴马建设“前所未有的开放政府”的雄心、公共财政透明的曲折、《数据质量法》背后的隐情、全民医改法案的波澜、统一身份证的百年纠结、隐私危机、街头警察的创新传奇、美国矿难的悲情历史、商务智能的前世今生、数据开放运动的全球兴起,以及云计算、Facebook和推特等社交媒体、Web3.0与下一代互联网的未来图景等等,为您一一细解,数据创新给公民、政府、社会带来的种种挑战和变革。 美国是全书主体,但又处处反观中国当下的现实。回望中国,胡适批评“差不多先生”,黄仁宇求索“数目字管理”,作者从太平洋对面看到中美两国的差距,深知中国缺少什么、需要什么,故将十多年观察、思索所得,又新增微学校、微学位等教育领域正在发生的革命,以及建言中国“大数据战略”的重要文章和访谈,淘洗成这本开创性的“大数据之书”——《大数据:正在到来的数据革命,以及它如何改变政府、商业与我们的生活》。