Social Circles

Paul Adams


SNS 社会化网络 互联网 social


New Riders Press

Table of Contents 1. Introduction Why we need this book Social technology doesn't change many things Social technology is changing many things Social technology is not the point The shift towards a social web How marketing and branding is changing How customer service is changing 2. The Real Life Social Network Online and Offline behavior Calculating how we are connected The structure of our network Small world networks Controlling our network Global connections Communities Groups Relationship Ties Strong Ties Weak Ties Temporary Ties How our ties change over time Communication tools Mapping the social graph 3. Influence How people make decisions How people influence each other How to identify the most influential people in a group How to calculate influence 4. Identity Identity will be a defining theme of the web in the next few years Social Status Multiple Identities Socially Constructed Identities 5. Privacy and Trust Privacy Trust 6. The Business of the Social Web Changing business How customers talk to each other How customers talk to business How business talks to customers Advertising Marketing Why we buy 7. Understanding your customers Forget focus groups Using social media to do research Building better products 8. Conclusion
Businesses are starting to operate in the world of the social web, but most have a very poor understanding of social interaction, and its huge impact on how successful their endeavors will be. It is much more complicated than just business blogs or official company Twitter accounts. Most of people's interactions with each other and with brands happen offline, away from computers, and often away from mobile phones. What people do offline has a huge impact on what they do online. Social Circles, by lead researcher for social media Paul Adams, is about helping business understand this offline/online relationship. Research has shown time and again how people have multiple independent circles of friends, all of whom they trust in different ways, and all of whom wield varying degrees of influence. People are using social networks to interact with people they already know offline, and not to make new connections with people they don’t know. They are recreating their offline social circles online. Understanding these social circles is the key to successful behavioral advertising.


