Mining the Social Web
Popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn generate a tremendous amount of valuable social data. Who's talking to whom? What are they talking about? How often are they talking? Where are they located? This concise and practical book shows you how to answer these types of questions and more. Each chapter presents a soup-to-nuts approach that combines popular social web data, analysis techniques, and visualization to help you find the needles in the social haystack you've been looking for -- and some you didn't know were there. With Mining the Social Web, intermediate-to-advanced Python programmers will learn how to collect and analyze social data in way that lends itself to hacking as well as more industrial-strength analysis. The book is highly readable from cover to cover and tells a coherent story, but you can go straight to chapters of interest if you want to focus on a specific topic. Get a concise and straightforward synopsis of the social web landscape so you know which 20% of the space to spend 80% of your time on Use easily adaptable scripts hosted on GitHub to harvest data from popular social network APIs including Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn Learn how to slice and dice social web data with easy-to-use Python tools, and apply more advanced mining techniques such as TF-IDF, cosine similarity, collocation analysis, document summarization, and clique detection Build interactive visualizations with easily adaptable web technologies built upon HTML5 and JavaScript toolkits This book is still in progress, but you can get going on this technology through our Rough Cuts edition, which lets you read the manuscript as it's being written, either online or via PDF. via http://oreilly.com/catalog/9781449394844/ Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mining-Social-Web-Finding-Haystack/dp/1449388345/ -
Social Circles
Businesses are starting to operate in the world of the social web, but most have a very poor understanding of social interaction, and its huge impact on how successful their endeavors will be. It is much more complicated than just business blogs or official company Twitter accounts. Most of people's interactions with each other and with brands happen offline, away from computers, and often away from mobile phones. What people do offline has a huge impact on what they do online. Social Circles, by lead researcher for social media Paul Adams, is about helping business understand this offline/online relationship. Research has shown time and again how people have multiple independent circles of friends, all of whom they trust in different ways, and all of whom wield varying degrees of influence. People are using social networks to interact with people they already know offline, and not to make new connections with people they don’t know. They are recreating their offline social circles online. Understanding these social circles is the key to successful behavioral advertising. -
面对社交网络尤其是微博的流行,企业如何应对?本书是作者多年从事网络营销实战的总结,揭示了社会化媒体如何改变了营销和企业运营的规则,系统总结了社会化媒体营销及新营销,介绍了各种不同的社会化媒体,包括社交网络、微博、博客、视频、百度百科、BBS 等,并对如何在实际工作中应用众多社会化媒体工具给出了具体的指导。涉及到社会化媒体的定义、新营销策略、营销方法论、社会化媒体营销评估、移动互联网与新营销、社会化媒体与商业。 对中国的广大企业来说,本书所讲述的内容非常有价值,可以帮助企业通过社会化媒体营销提升销售业绩、品牌美誉度。本书适合对社会化媒体、网络营销、电子商务感兴趣,想低成本在网上销售、推广的读者,尤其适合大专院校网络营销及电子商务专业的学生、 网络营销从业人员、向互联网化转型的传统企业 -
The Rise of the Network Society
这本专著对微博产生以来的历史沿革进行了从理论到实践的的详细梳理,考察了微博发展的关键事件编制了微博发展的大事年表,并使用嵌套性理论对微博的发展逻辑和价值本质进行了深入探讨,是目前关于微博的学术研究中最具影响力的一种学说。本文的作者是一个研究团队,他们深入考察了以美国Twitter为代表的微博的最受欢迎的十大应用以及Twitter企业营销案例、Twitter竞争对手分析等,并且花大功夫进行了微博的中国本土化应用的调查和研究,他们基于对中国本土的微博用户深度访谈以及微博用户满意度调查的分析,提出了一整套关于微博的中国本土化应用的行动路线图式的战略与策略。对于微博在中国本土的发展提供了理论与实践的科学依据,得到了包括新浪微博在内的积极认可和深入应用。并且对于制定中国微博发展的制度框架也具有很好的理论基础的意义。本项研究在研究方法的使用上复合采用了文献分析方法、个案分析法、问卷调查发、焦点人群访谈法以及在传播学的实证研究中最为前沿的社会网络分析方法,在研究方法的配合使用模式 上也具有相当的前沿性和示范性。 -
本书主要讲述了全新的社会化媒体时代到来之时,社会形势、个人行为及观念所发生的转变,以及企业需要做出的相应改变。书中首先讲述了社会化媒体时代人们的两种典型的行为——防御行为和自夸行为;接下来通过奥巴马当选总统的具体例子说明了社会化媒体的强大力量;之后讲述了社会化媒体给个人、企业带来的影响,以及个人和企业在这种影响下所应采取的措施。面对新的时代,我们所需要做的是不断地调整、改变,这样才不致在激烈的竞争中被淘汰。 本书观点新颖,分析透彻,适合各类想在社会化媒体时代脱颖而出的人阅读,更是企业营销人员的宝典。