How People Learn
This popular trade book, originally released in hardcover in the Spring of 1999, has been newly expanded to show how the theories and insights from the original book can translate into actions and practice, now making a real connection between classroom activities and learning behavior. This paperback edition includes far-reaching suggestions for research that could increase the impact that classroom teaching has on actual learning. Like the original hardcover edition, this book offers exciting new research about the mind and the brain that provides answers to a number of compelling questions. When do infants begin to learn? How do experts learn and how is this different from non-experts? What can teachers and schools do-with curricula, classroom settings, and teaching methods - to help children learn most effectively? New evidence from many branches of science has significantly added to our understanding of what it means to know, from the neural processes that occur during learning to the influence of culture on what people see and absorb. "How People Learn" examines these findings and their implications for what we teach, how we teach it, and how we assess what our children learn. The book uses exemplary teaching to illustrate how approaches based on what we now know result in in-depth learning. This new knowledge calls into question concepts and practices firmly entrenched in our current education system. The topics include: how learning actually changes the physical structure of the brain; how existing knowledge affects what people notice and how they learn; what the thought processes of experts tell us about how to teach; the amazing learning potential of infants; the relationship of classroom learning and everyday settings of community and workplace; learning needs and opportunities for teachers; and a realistic look at the role of technology in education. -
《高考状元的屠龙宝刀》讲述是不是还在为学习成绩不好而苦恼呢?是不是还在为不知如何辅导、提高孩子的学习成绩而发愁呢?本书就是你万无一失的选择。一本家长和孩子都爱读的可爱学习书。本书以神奇的“思维导图”概念为切入点,把这样一个以往专用于跨国公司培训和决策的思维方法引入到中学学习中,四两拨千斤,学习想不轻松也难哦!再配上贴心的例题,生动、活泼的图表解说,我们的思维从没有像现在这样清晰过。如同一幕幕在我们眼前放过的电影。学习原来很简单! -
677分、663分、647分、615分,这是今年成都外国语学校同一个寝室的4名女生的高考成绩,其中两名分别为四川今年高考文科第一名和第三名!在这4个学生中,有3人同时考入清华大学经济管理专业,另外一人则以全额奖学金考入美国蒙霍约克学院。高考结束,这4名女生再创下一个奇迹——在即将迈入名校前夕,她们拿起了笔,写出了《我们一起上清华》一书,揭秘她们的高三生活。 高三的她们是如何相处的?如何学习的?如何看待爱情的?又是如何面对高三学习生活情绪上的低潮?四名女孩用细腻而独到的文笔一一向读者展示了她们高三生活的点滴。 -
Getting What You Came For
Is graduate school right for you? Should you get a master's or a Ph.D.? How can you choose the best possible school? This classic guide helps students answer these vital questions and much more. It will also help graduate students finish in less time, for less money, and with less trouble. Based on interviews with career counselors, graduate students, and professors, "Getting What You Came For" is packed with real-life experiences. It has all the advice a student will need not only to survive but to thrive in graduate school, including: instructions on applying to school and for financial aid; how to excel on qualifying exams; how to manage academic politics--including hostile professors; and how to write and defend a top-notch thesis. Most important, it shows you how to land a job when you graduate. -
《21世纪学习的革命》内容简介:教育的目的是什么?我们的教育在多大程度上遏制了孩子们的创造性?把孩子教育成标准化的入,如同流水线上规格统一的产品,对他们的发展真的重要的吗?人们越来越多地用诸如此类的问题审视我们的教育,并对教育提出新的要求。 《世界人权宣言》指出,教育的目的在于充分发展入的个性。本、书作者对工业革命以来的教育进行了深刻的反思和批判,并身体力行,创办了瑟谷学校,在这里,学习是自发进行的,孩子们有足够的动力探究世界、学习知识;同时作者认为;学习还是一个终身的过程,包括幼年、学龄期、工作阶段乃至退休后。 诗人叶芝曾经说,教育不是注满一桶水,而是点燃一把火。《21世纪学习的革命》所倡导的教育理念不但对所有教育界人士具有启发性,还为那些为人父母者提供可资借鉴的教育理念和方法。读罢此书,你将以一种崭新的姿态面对孩子,也会使自己的人生更加丰富。 -
本书取材于作者与一千多名进入美国名校读书的学生深入沟通得到的第一手资料。通过将百里挑一的优秀学生与大多数经历平凡的学生作对比,强者身上所具备的七个共同特点豁然跃出:超越年龄的眼界、深入执着的探索、独立思考的习惯、分步实现的战术、影响世界的魅力、与“牛”共舞的经历、系统思考的智商。 全书以详尽真实的例子描述这七个特点,对于青少年自励拼搏、成为学校或者行业中的佼佼者具有极强的指导意义。 一个优秀的人不一定完全具备上述的七个特点,但一定具有其中的几项。“聪明”或“高智商”虽然是令人羡慕的优势,但早已不是青少年超越同龄人能够倚赖的砝码,在生活阅历和其它非智商因素面前,“智商只占七分之一”。