《振宇英语•影响你一生的名校励志演讲(英汉对照)(听力+词汇+文化)》是一本关于世界名人在全球名校演讲的中英文对照图书。书中共收录16篇演讲,涵盖12所世界一流大学,其中有美国的哈佛、耶鲁,英国的牛津,还有中国的清华、北大等。借音频听演讲,感受现场的气氛,聆听名人之声,感悟世界级人物送给大学毕业生的成功忠告。同时,你可以借此机会跟世界顶级人物学习口语,听他们的声音,模仿地道的原汁原味的腔调。听着他们的演讲,你的心头一定会充满喜悦和激动。这本演讲书是原汁原味的英语集成;这本演讲书是智慧的结晶;这本演讲书是引领你走向成功的声音。让我们一起聆听演讲,让我们一起迈向成功。 -
100 Ways to Motivate Yourself
Live the life you've always wanted to live! 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is packed with techniques for breaking down negative barriers and pessimistic thoughts that prevent you from fulfilling your goals and dreams. It's easy to get stuck in a humdrum life and only fantasize about what "could have been." Motivational speaker Steve Chandler helps you change that way of thinking to what "will be." His ideas will help you create an action plan for living out your vision. You will be intrigued at some of the real-life experiences upon which Steve has based his techniques--from Arnold Schwarzenegger, who told the author in 1976 that he was going to be the number one box office star in Hollywood (at the time, Arnold was only a body builder with a heavy Austrian accent), to Leonard Nimoy, whose life was reshaped through the rational, logical thought of Spock, the character he played on Star Trek. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself is filled with proven methods for changing the way you think and developing self-creation. Steve draws on the feedback he's received from corporate and public seminar students to ensure that his methods work. -
Harry Potter
Enjoy the complete Harry Potter series performed by the Grammy Award-winning Jim Dale. This complete unabridged audiobook collection contains the following: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows -
《西方哲学与人生》(第1卷)作者将为你解读哲学家的心灵故事,把握现代人的生命智慧。哲学脱离人生,将成玄虚;人生脱离哲学,将无定位。我们每天接触的资讯,在广度上已经无远弗届了,在深度上则日益觉得不足。苏格拉底说过“没有经过反省的人生,是不值得活的”。这句话何以是正确的?许多人没有反省,甚至未受教育,不是也活得好好的吗?如果要反省,又该如何着手?反省之后,人生就值得活下去吗?生命之域如此深广,如何找到安身立命之所该是何等重要之事。哲学脱离人生,将成玄虚,人生脱离哲学,将无定位。 -
与《断弦的耳朵》同一系列,音乐天堂编辑部最吸引人的音像刊物,满足喜欢欧美音乐的狂热歌迷,唯美另类经典歌曲的汇萃,最具有杀伤力的歌曲,就象名字说的那样,穿过骨头抚摩你,用音乐刺痛你。 收录所有的歌手艺术家简介,讲述其演绎生涯的前前后后,挑选最有代表性及其鼎盛时期的音乐所品,配书详尽犹如去讲述一个时代的流行音乐史,音乐配诗极富有渲染力,全部的中英文歌词,想去了解欧美唯美另类经典歌曲及世界音乐动向,音乐发烧友们必须拥有它。 好音乐面前,我们都是孩子,深深爱了,被爱了。 这是这套系列的第一集,相比断弦的耳朵,这套更“另类”一些,当然水平也更高一些。