The Trumpet of the Swan
Swan Song Like the rest of his family, Louis is a trumpeter swan. But unlike his four brothers and sisters, Louis can't trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can't even make a sound. And since he can't trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena's affection -- he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father steals him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning Louis his love? -
Stuart Little
《精灵鼠小弟》讲述了:利特尔家的第二个孩子斯图尔特生下来只有两英寸高,模样活脱脱就是一只小老鼠。这位鼠小弟心地善良、聪明伶俐,一家人里头,除了那只名叫“野茉莉”的猫,没有不喜欢它的。斯图尔特最要好的朋友是寄居在他们家的小鸟玛加洛,为了让美丽的玛加洛不受“野茉莉”的欺负,鼠小弟可真是鼓足了勇气,动足了脑筋。然而,春天来了,玛加洛不辞而别,飞回到北方去,这下可让斯图尔特伤透了脑筋。他发誓要把玛加洛找回来,于是开动玩具车就上了路。一路上,险情趣事层出不穷,鼠小弟历尽千辛万苦……鼠小弟最后到底有没有拽到玛加洛呢?你一定猜不着。好莱坞根据本书改编的电影,让倔强而可爱的鼠小弟征服了全世界。 A paperback edition of E.B. White's classic novel about one small mouse on a very big adventure! With black and white illustrations. Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure. Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend? 点击链接进入中文版: 精灵鼠小弟 -
Writings from The New Yorker 1927-1976
A delightful, witty, spirited collection of short pieces and essays by the inimitable E. B. White. -
The Classic collection by the greatest American essayist of the century. E•B•怀特(E. B. White,1899—1985),“二十世纪最伟大的美国随笔作家”。作为《纽约客》主要撰稿人的怀特一手奠定了影响深远的“《纽约客》文风”。怀特对尘世上的一切都怀着“面对复杂,保持欢喜”的态度,其人格魅力与文字修养一样山高水长。除了他终生挚爱的随笔之外,他还为孩子们写了三本书:《精灵鼠小弟》、《夏洛的网》与《吹小号的天鹅》,同样被誉为“二十世纪读者最多、最受爱戴的童话”,成为儿童与成人共同喜爱的文学经典。 “E•B•怀特随笔”由作者本人选定,囊括了作者最重要的随笔作品,此次中英双语珍藏本分为两卷出版,名曰:《这就是纽约》与《重游缅湖》,以期为读者原汁原味地呈现这位最伟大的美国随笔作家的人格和文字魅力。 -
The Elements of Style
The only style manual ever to appear on bestseller lists has explained to millions of readers the basic principles of plain English. The book's mantra-make every word tell-is still on point. Whether seventeen or seventy, this much-loved classic, now in its fourth edition, will forever be the go-to guide when in need of a hint on how to make a turn of phrase clearer, or a reminder on how to enliven prose with the active voice. Kalman's exquisite illustrations give the revered work a jolt of new energy, making the learning experience more colorful and clear. The Elements of Style Illustrated will come to be known as the definitive, must-have edition. -
Here is New York
Perceptive, funny, and nostalgic, E.B. White's stroll around Manhattan remains the quintessential love letter to the city, written by one of America's foremost literary figures. The New York Times has named Here is New York one of the ten best books ever written about the metropolis, and The New Yorker calls it "the wittiest essay, and one of the most perceptive, ever done on the city.