Essays of E. B. White
The classic collection by one of the greatest essayists of our time. -
《这就是纽约(中英双语珍藏本)》主要内容简介:随笔作者是些自我放纵的人,天真地以为,他想的一切,围绕他发生的一切,都会引起大家的兴趣。此人陶醉于他的事情,就像喜欢观察鸟类的人陶醉于他的郊游一样。随笔作者每一次新的出行,每一次新的“尝试”,都与上一次不同,带他进入新的天地。他为此兴奋。只有天生以自我为中心的人,才会如此旁若无人、锲而不舍地去写随笔。 随笔有各式各样,一如人的姿势、姿态各式各样,霍华德.约翰逊牌冰淇淋的味道也各式各样。随笔作者清早起来,如果有事情要做,便从塞得满满的衣橱里选取他的行头:视他的情绪,他的题材,他可以套上随便哪件衬衫,扮成随便什么人——哲人、泼皮、弄臣、说书人、密友、学者、杠头、狂热分子。我性喜随笔,一向如此,很小时就忙了把我幼稚的思想和经验敷衍成文字,用来折磨别人。我最早是在,《圣尼古拉斯杂志》上露脸的。偶然有了想法,我仍然会回到随笔这种形式(其实无形式可言)上来,但我并不奢望随笔在二十世纪美国文学中占有位置——它毕竟不登大雅之堂。随笔作者,与小说家、诗人、剧作家不同,必须满足于自我设定的二等公民身分。 -
Stuart Little
Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George and Snowball the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's an adventurous and heroic little mouse. His daring escapades include racing a toy boat in a Central Park pond, retrieving his mother's ring from a drain, and crawling inside a piano to fix the keys for his brother. When his best friend, a beautiful little bird called Margalo disappears from her nest, Stuart is determined to track her down. He ventures away from home for the very first time in his life and finds himself embroiled in one exciting adventure after another, making new friends and meeting old ones along the way. -
Charlotte's Web
This is the tale of how a little girl named Ferm, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig, Wilbur, from the usual fate of nice fat little pigs.