《古文观止》(汉英对照)为我国历代优秀散文选本,也是我国文学的集萃。而这本汉英对照版《古文观止精选》不仅仅是一本帮助中国读者学习英语的读物,还可以向爱好中国文学和文化的西方读者和学习汉语的外国人介绍他们不太熟悉的散文经典,此举意义深远! 从诗到诗——中国古诗词英译 从诗到诗(中国古诗词英译) 古文观止 古文观止精选(汉英对照) 人文胜迹--初中以上英文水平读者 莎翁故居 国王谷:人文胜迹 雅典卫城:人文胜迹 庞贝城与赫库兰尼姆城:人文胜迹 哈德良长城 林语堂英文作品集 印度的智慧(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 武则天传 京华烟云(英文版) 京华烟云 吾国与吾民 吾国与吾民(英文版) 老子的智慧 生活的艺术 生活的艺术(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 风声鹤唳(林语堂英文作品集)(月亮石) 京华烟云 吾国与吾民 生活的艺术 -
The Dark Forest
With the scope of Dune, and the rousing action of Independence Day, this near-future trilogy is the first chance for English-speaking readers to experience this multiple award-winning phenomenon from China’s most beloved science fiction author. In the second book in the series, Earth is reeling from the revelation of a coming alien invasion in just four centuries’ time. The aliens’ human collaborators may have been defeated, but the presence of the sophons, the subatomic particles that allow Trisolaris instant access to all human information, means that Earth’s defense plans are totally exposed to the enemy. Only the human mind remains a secret. This is the motivation for the Wallfacer Project, a daring plan that grants four men enormous resources to design secret strategies hidden through deceit and misdirection from Earth and Trisolaris alike. Three of the Wallfacers are influential statesmen and scientists, but the fourth is a total unknown. LuoJi, an unambitious Chinese astronomer and sociologist, is baffled by his new status. All he knows is that he’s the one Wallfacer that Trisolaris wants dead. -
本书所选59篇短文,曾在《英语世界》刊物上发表,绝 大多数作译者是我国英语界久负盛名的专家、学者或教授。 他们所写的如何学习英语的文章具有科学性、理论性、知识 性和实践性。此外,还从其他杂志上精选了11篇论及此题 的好文章,作为《补遗篇》一并出版。 本书读者对象为:英语学习者、英语爱好者、英语教学 者和其他英语工作者。 -
English Prepositions Explained
This completely revised and expanded edition of English Prepositions Explained (EPE), originally published in 1998, covers approximately 100 simple, compound, and phrasal English prepositions of space and time – with the focus being on short prepositions such as at, by, in, and on. Its target readership includes teachers of ESOL, pre-service translators and interpreters, undergraduates in English linguistics programs, studious advanced learners and users of English, and anyone who is inquisitive about the English language. The overall aim is to explain how and why meaning changes when one preposition is swapped for another in the same context. While retaining most of the structure of the original, this edition says more about more prepositions. It includes many more figures – virtually all new. The exposition draws on recent research, and is substantially founded on evidence from digitalized corpora, including frequency data. EPE gives information and insights that will not be found in dictionaries and grammar handbooks. -