本书英文版面世以来,便广受业界专家和读者的好评。全书叙述清晰、用词精炼、构思巧妙,将面向对象分析设计的概念、过程、方法、原则和个人的实践建议一一道来,博引多家观点,以实例为证,将软件的分析和设计的过程叙述得如逻辑推理一般,于细节处见真知。 本书是一本经典的面向对象分析设计技术的入门书,适用范围非常广,从刚刚入门的初学者,到已经有一定对象技术知识但希望进一步提高开发水平的中级读者,甚至是资深的专业人员,都可以从本书获益匪浅。同时,本书也很适合作为高等院校计算机专业及软件学院相关课程的教材和各类培训班的辅导教材。 -
风险越大,回报也越大——尤其是在软件行业里。逃避风险的企业将很快被竞争对手远远抛在身后。但是,由于管理者的不审慎(他们自己更喜欢的说法是“乐观的思维”或者“‘我能做到'的态度”),软件企业常常被置于一种尴尬的两难处境:要么承担风险而失败,要么回避风险而落后。 在《与熊共舞》中, Tom DeMarco 和 Timothy Lister ——他们恰好是畅销书《人件》的两位作者——告诉读者如何识别风险,并大胆(而审慎)地拥抱有价值的风险。于是,开发者们不必再左右为难。 书中,作者展示了风险管理的益处 √ 风险管理使企业可以积极地迎接风险 √ 使管理不致陷于盲目 √ 使项目能够以*小代价应对风险 √ 使责权划分更加明确 √ 使子项目的失败不致影响全盘。读完全书,读者将获得足够的知识,能够坦然面对软件项目中*常见的风险 √ 进度落后 √ 需求膨胀 √ 人员流失 √ 规约崩溃 √ 以及工作效率低下。 《与熊共舞》将帮助你缓解风险——在它们变成“项目杀手”之前。风险永远存在(也理应存在),但你可以管理它们。 -
在本书中,享誉全球的软件开发专家和软件工程大师Robert C.Martin将向您展示如何解决软件开发人员、项目经理及软件项目领导们所面临的最棘手的问题。这本综合性、实用性的敏捷开发和极限编程方面的指南,是由敏捷开发的创始人之一所撰写的。 -
Pro Git (Second Edition)
Scott Chacon is a cofounder and the CIO of GitHub and is also the maintainer of the Git homepage ( git-scm.com ) . Scott has presented at dozens of conferences around the world on Git, GitHub and the future of work. Ben Straub is a developer, long time contributor to Libgit2, holder of a Masters degree, international speaker and Git teacher, avid reader, lifelong explorer, and student of the art of making fine software. He lives with his wife and two children in Portland, Oregon. -
12 Essential Skills for Software Architects
Master the Crucial Non-Technical Skills Every Software Architect Needs! Thousands of software professionals have the necessary technical qualifications to become architects, but far fewer have the crucial non-technical skills needed to get hired and succeed in this role. In today's agile environments, these "soft" skills have grown even more crucial to success as an architect. For many developers, however, these skills don't come naturally--and they're rarely addressed in formal training. Now, long-time software architect Dave Hendricksen helps you fill this gap, supercharge your organizational impact, and quickly move to the next level in your career. In 12 Essential Skills for Software Architects, Hendricksen begins by pinpointing the specific relationship, personal, and business skills that successful architects rely upon. Next, he presents proven methods for systematically developing and sharpening every one of these skills, from negotiation and leadership to pragmatism and vision. From start to finish, this book's practical insights can help you get the architect position you want--and thrive once you have it! The soft skills you need! !and a coherent framework and practical methodology for mastering them! Relationship skills Leadership, politics, gracious behavior, communication, negotiation Personal skills Context switching, transparency, passion Business skills Pragmatism, vision, business knowledge, innovation -
Head First PMP
《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》以生动有趣、毫不乏味的方式全面涵盖了《PMBOK指南》的原理。这本书以特有的方式帮助你为认证考试充分做好准备,不仅仅回答具体的问题,更着重于从全局思考项目管理。通过结合具体的上下文讨论各个项目管理概念,你将能够理解、记住并灵活应用这些概念。不只是应对考试,还将充分运用于工作中。正是因为这个原因,才会有如此多的人仅凭《Head First PMP(中文版)(第2版)》就一举顺利通过PMP考试!通过应用神经生物学、认知科学和学习理论的最新研究成果,《Head FirstPMP(第二版)》采用丰富直观的形式使你的大脑真正开动起来,而不是长篇累牍地说教,让你昏昏欲睡。