年度情人最佳鉅獻 愛,讓人奮不顧身;姿勢,挑戰無限可能。 《天天好體位》全新升級版,再度挑戰不可能的任務,這次的365招,一個比一個匪夷所思,一個比一個比更帶勁、更拚命! 有了《天天好體位2:不可能的任務》,人人都是馬蓋先,個個都是生活智慧王!原來,身邊各種不起眼的物品都能化身成最棒的情趣道具,像是吊燈、手推車、欄杆、樓梯……通通都能派上用場,當然,想嘗試更高難度的人,還可以挑戰滑板、繩索、直排輪、摩托車……,簡直是把性愛當成極限運動,名符其實的為愛奮不顧身,但是切記,筋骨不如體操國手那麼軟Q的人,按表操課前最好先熱身,否則…… -
The Joy of Sex
Nothing compares to The Joy of Sex Since 1972, more than 8 million people have come to this wise, witty, and uninhibited bestselling guide to lovemaking and found all they wanted to know about achieving greater sexual satisfaction. They have discovered how sex can be playful and imaginative, erotic and passionate, pleasurable and exhilarating. Now, with this fully revised 30th anniversary edition, The Joy of Sex promises to captivate an entirely new generation of readers. Beautifully designed and lavishly illustrated, The Joy of Sex provides a fresh view of sexuality in the 21st century. Filled with provocative illustrations and 16 pages of new full-color photography, the updated text continues to discuss a wide range of subjects in practical detail while still maintaining Dr. Alex Comfort’s no-nonsense yet fun approach to matters of the libido. The Joy of Sex remains the most comprehensive sex manual on the market. From current concerns about health and practicing responsible sex to the risks presented by AIDS and other venereal diseases, Dr. Comfort contends with every aspect of our sexual territory. Above all, this remarkable book emphasizes the importance of a happy and relaxed sexuality in our lives. Now more than ever, The Joy of Sex is for people who want to make their lovemaking richer and more exciting. Complete with elegant photographs and superb drawings that capture in full, frank detail the intimacy of the act of love, it is undoubtedly a contemporary classic. -
一輩子的性福,就靠這本! 紐約圖書館失竊率第二高的書,僅次於聖經! 北市聯合婚禮,馬英九送《性愛聖經》,為新人祝福! 全球暢銷850萬冊!紐約圖書館失竊率第二高的書,僅次於《聖經》! 新增43個性愛關鍵詞、全彩姿勢示範圖解。 沒有一本性書,像《性愛聖經》如此繽紛多彩,深具啟發性與娛樂性! 本書在1972年出版後,引起社會轟動,在那保守的年代,原作者艾力克‧康弗不僅開風氣之先,在書中宣揚性愛的美好,還提供了詳細的圖文解說。內容幾乎涵蓋了所有關於性愛的大小子題,以作者的醫學專業背景為基底,觀點紮實又可靠,並用詼諧的筆調侃侃而談,讀來親切易懂,針對各項技巧配上插圖,讓讀者得以按圖索驥,使得這本性愛指南能深入民間,廣受大眾喜愛。在性學領域中,也是影響相當深遠的一本經典。 改版新增女性觀點 在性愛裡,女人不再是被動的角色,而這也是《新性愛聖經》選擇身為女性的蘇珊‧薇蓮來改寫的原因,她擁有心理學家及性學家的身分,長年從事性愛諮商的工作。她將原書濃縮成四個章節,包括性愛的「原料」、「開胃菜」、「主菜」、「調味」。這些年來,在生理、心理、心理治療與醫學等領域增加了許多重要新知,所以新版增補了40個性愛關鍵詞。跟原作者一樣,蘇珊也親身實驗過書裡的每一種遊戲,只要讀者肯放心下場玩,本書中所有招式全部行得通。 本書初版至今,全球已經銷售超過850萬本,這項輝煌紀錄還沒有任何一本性書可以比擬!美國《圖書館雜誌》(Library Journal)調查,什麼樣的書在圖書館最容易失竊?在紐約市立圖書館,它的失竊率僅低於聖經。而根據全美74間市立圖書館統計,本書的失竊率始終高居榜上。 -
Sex and the City
Tie in to the new season of the hit series SEX AND THE CITY with Candace Bushnells witty, incisive, dishy, and fascinating columns on the mating rituals of Manhattans cultural elite.Heres the collection of columns that inspired the addictive and multiple award-winning HBO series! SEX AND THE CITY offers a tantalizing glimpse of the openings, launch parties, and celebrity affairs that keep society amused. Throughout, a cast of charactersthe troubled writer, the successful businessman, the famous underwear model, and otherssearches for true love....or at least someone to go home with at the end of the night. Its a chronicle of the true-life adventures of Manhattans glamorous in crowd that is often hilarious and sometimes terrifying, but always enticing. -
性﹐其實不宜一天到晚宣諸於口 -- 不因為非禮勿言﹐而是長年累月把寶貴時間花在口沫橫飛﹐那有空間付諸行動? 缺乏臨床實踐的經驗﹐一切不過空口說白話﹐讀者恐怕會見棄的。 除非具備英國同志老祖宗 Quentin Crisp 的勇氣﹐過海關被質問:「閣下是否實習同性戀?」他老先生眼也不眨回答:「我不需要實習﹐我早就達到完美境界!」 至於「文本」﹐有勞讀者以標準普通話唸出﹐再把在盛裝在廣東話耳朵。搵笨! 搵笨! 沒有聽錯﹐確實如此。當老襯的情趣﹐倒真是盡在不言中。不信? 請翻開任何一頁...... -
Madonna takes a provocative look at sexual fantasies in photographs and words. Specially packaged, "Sex" combines enticing prose, photography and an exclusive CD included with the book. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title.