Heard on the Street
The book contains over 130 quantitative questions collected from actual investment banking, investment management, and options trading job interviews. The interviewers use the same questions year after year and here they are! These questions come from all types of interviews (corporate finance, sales and trading, quantitative research, etc), but they are especially likely in quantitative capital markets job interviews. The questions come from all levels of interviews (undergraduate, MBA, PhD), but they are especially likely if you have, or almost have, an MBA. The questions cover pure quantitative/logic, financial economics, derivatives, and statistics. Each quantitative question in the book is accompanied by a very detailed solution and by helpful advice. The latest edition also includes about 100 non-quantitative actual interview questions. Timothy Crack has a PhD from MIT. He has won many teaching awards and has publications in the top academic, practitioner, and teaching journals in finance. He has degrees in Mathematics/Statistics, Finance, and Financial Economics and a diploma in Accounting/Finance. Dr. Crack taught at the university level for 17 years including four years as a front line teaching assistant for MBA students at MIT. He now heads a quantitative active equity research team at the world's largest institutional money manager. -
所谓穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。当我们尚没有能力决定政策走向和改变规则体系的时候,我们需要改变自己态度和完善自身才能,做好最基础和最底层的工作,至少对自己有所交代,对客户有所交代。假当有一天,我们中某人能够成为决策者,相信最基层的感触也定是最英明决定的向导。 -
Investment Banking
In the constantly evolving world of finance, a solid technical foundation is an essential tool for success. Due to the fast-paced nature of this world, however, no one has been able to take the time to properly codify the lifeblood of the corporate financier's work--namely, valuation. Rosenbaum and Pearl have responded to this need by writing the book that they wish had existed when they were trying to break into Wall Street. "Investment Banking: Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions" is a highly accessible and authoritative book that focuses on the primary valuation methodologies currently used on Wall Street--comparable companies, precedent transactions, DCF, and LBO analysis. These methodologies are used to determine valuation for public and private companies within the context of MandA transactions, LBOs, IPOs, restructurings, and investment decisions. Using a step-by-step how-to approach for each methodology, the authors build a chronological knowledge base and define key terms, financial concepts, and processes throughout the book. They also provide a comprehensive overview of the fundamentals of LBOs and an organized MandA sale process. In the aftermath of the subprime mortgage crisis and ensuing credit crunch, the world of finance is returning to the fundamentals of valuation and critical due diligence. This involves the use of more realistic assumptions governing approach to risk as well as a wide range of value drivers. While valuation has always involved a great deal of "art" in addition to time-tested "science," the artistry is perpetually evolving in accordance with market developments and conditions. In this sense, this book is particularly topical--in addition to detailing the technical fundamentals behind valuation, the authors infuse practical judgment skills and perspective to help guide the science. -
专注的力量 资本市场的虚虚实实是作者用近300天的碎片时间,多个媒体专栏文章重新整理结集的精华。全书通过虚构的资本市场故事、生动的投行场景、犀利的企业人点评,以及对多个知名投行、企业风云人物的专访,再现投行人的职场动态和生活场景等。8个财经专栏近1.3亿人次的阅读量,作者的勤奋和专业也获得了计兮、界面、新浪等多个专业平台的认可,被称为最勤奋的投行美女作家。本书即是投行人士的消遣佳品,也是圈外人观察投行人的工作、生活状态的最佳读物,更是想进入投行工作的毕业生的首选。 -
本书初版以网络热传的文章《中国与华尔街不同的投行人生》为基础,以清新通俗耐读的文风,详细地讲述了投行行业内情,以及其所需要的各种能力的培养及投行生活的酸甜苦辣,为读者呈现一个真实的立体的投行。出版后即在网店和新华书店排行榜名列前茅,为广大纸媒和网络媒体广泛推介和评论,更获得中国图书商报2013年度图书推展。 精装版增加近包括“作者高校演讲实录”等近3万字的番外内容,并随书赠送作者肖像励志主题明信片一张。