The Accidental Investment Banker
在线阅读本书 Entertainingly indiscreet...Knee's talent for wicked pen portraits is put to good use." - "Financial Times". Investment bankers used to be known as respectful of their clients, loyal to their firms, and chary of the financial system that allowed them to prosper. What happened? From his prestigious Wall Street perches at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, Jonathan A. Knee witnessed firsthand the lavish deal making of the freewheeling nineties, when bankers rode the wave of the Internet economy, often by devil may care means. By the turn of the twenty first century, the bubble burst and the industry was in free fall. Told with biting humor and unflinching honesty, populated with power players, back stabbers, and gazillionaires, "The Accidental Investment Banker" is Knee's exhilarating insider's account of this boom and bust anything goes era, when fortunes were made and reputations were lost."Not since Michael Lewis' Liar's Poker has there been as good, as accessible or as pithy a look at the world of investment banking." - "The Washington Post". "For anyone who remembers the crazy boom times, and the even crazier bust, Jonathan A. Knee's "The Accidental Investment Banker" is a must. This tell all chronicles Knee's time at Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, revealing a world that rivals 24 in intrigue and drama." - Fortune. "(Knee) captures the glories and agonies of his profession...Readers will marvel." - "The Wall Street Journal". "Finally we have someone willing to lift the curtain...With refreshing candor and engaging prose, (this book) takes us inside the world of investment banking." - James B. Stewart, author of "Den of Thieves" and "DisneyWar". -
希尔顿(Hilton)、汉堡王(Burger King)、玩具翻斗乐(Toys "R" Us)、唐恩都乐餐厅(Dunkin' Donuts)、J. Crew这些世界知名的大公司有何共同特点?他们均由私募股权资本所拥有、控 制并运营。最近20年来,私募股权行业野蛮生长,部分基金抓住机遇,脱颖而出,成长为资本巨鳄。 《私募帝国:全球PE巨头统治世界的真相》将带领我们到这些私募股权公司的幕后去一探究竟:那些身价亿万的发起人,有着雄心壮志的投行家,为人所津津乐道的创建及发展历程,探究万亿私募股权公司资本运作内幕,揭秘华尔街角落里的投行家如何成长为资本的巨擎。 -
Why I Left Goldman Sachs
On March 14, 2012, more than three million people read Greg Smith's bombshell Op-Ed in the New York Times titled "Why I Am Leaving Goldman Sachs." The column immediately went viral, became a worldwide trending topic on Twitter, and drew passionate responses from former Fed chairman Paul Volcker, legendary General Electric CEO Jack Welch, and New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg. Mostly, though, it hit a nerve among the general public who question the role of Wall Street in society -- and the callous "take-the-money-and-run" mentality that brought the world economy to its knees a few short years ago. Smith now picks up where his Op-Ed left off. His story begins in the summer of 2000, when an idealistic 21-year-old arrives as an intern at Goldman Sachs and learns about the firm's Business Principle #1: Our clients' interests always come first. This remains Smith's mantra as he rises from intern to analyst to sales trader, with clients controlling assets of more than a trillion dollars. From the shenanigans of his summer internship during the technology bubble to Las Vegas hot tubs and the excesses of the real estate boom; from the career lifeline he received from an NFL Hall of Famer during the bear market to the day Warren Buffett came to save Goldman Sachs from extinction-Smith will take the reader on his personal journey through the firm, and bring us inside the world's most powerful bank. Smith describes in page-turning detail how the most storied investment bank on Wall Street went from taking iconic companies like Ford, Sears, and Microsoft public to becoming a "vampire squid" that referred to its clients as "muppets" and paid the government a record half-billion dollars to settle SEC charges. He shows the evolution of Wall Street into an industry riddled with conflicts of interest and a profit-at-all-costs mentality: a perfectly rigged game at the expense of the economy and the society at large. After conversations with nine Goldman Sachs partners over a twelve-month period proved fruitless, Smith came to believe that the only way the system would ever change was for an insider to finally speak out publicly. He walked away from his career and took matters into his own hands. This is his story. -
《并购之王》不仅是写给中型企业的所有者和管理者的,也是从事中型企业兼并与收购业务的投资银行家和财务顾问的必读教科书。 《并购之王》不但探讨了中型企业兼并与收购工作的科学性和艺术性,更重要的是,对于企业家出售企业时如何获得最大价值这一关键问题,分别从心理和谈判幕后等角度进行了全面揭秘。涉及的主题包括估值、税收、谈判、并购惯例,以及诸多从买方和卖方立场上各自涉及的问题。 《并购之王》是一本专业但又类似并购野史的趣味杂谈,丹尼斯 J. 罗伯茨通过趣闻轶事表达了对于中型市场交易的“感觉”。丹尼斯是一位经验老到的CPA持证人和企业估值专家,是并购投资银行家中具有多年真实并购经验的老手。不但如此,他还培训了数以千计的投资银行顾问,在并购领域是一位广受好评、声名在外的导师。迄今为止,市场上没有一本书能够针对中型市场的企业并购提供如此深刻、独到的视角和见解。 该书被列为CVA注册估值分析师考试扩展推荐阅读教材之一,作为投资分析估值专业人士的拓展读物。注册估值分析师(Chartered Valuation Analyst, CVA)认证考试是由注册估值分析师协会(CVA Institute)组织考核并提供资质认证的一门考试,旨在提高投融资估值领域从业人员的实际分析与操作技能。考试从投融资专业实务及实际估值建模等专业知识和岗位技能进行考核,主要涉及企业价值评估及项目投资决策。 -
Den of Thieves
有人认为投资市场的前很容易捞,只要你是「画饼」高手…… 股市大盗以虚设公司、交互持股等方式灌充公司业绩,拉台公司股价,诓骗法人、散户进行投资,再以内线交易出脱持股……本书以小说故事还原新闻原貌,重现华尔街四大天王共谋的数十亿内线交易案内幕。 本书作者荣获 1992 年普立兹奖,经过深入调查与锲而不舍的追踪探问,终于抽丝剥茧地,揭露了华尔街有史以来的最大宗内线交易的丑闻案,并一举起出由四大天王共谋的数十亿 违约交割的经过,卒令邪不胜正,应验了中国人的智慧警语:天网恢恢,疏而不漏。情节紧凑,剧力万钧,引人入胜,是一本读罢依然令你不舍得搁手的好书。