《游戏引擎架构》同时涵盖游戏引擎软件开发的理论及实践,并对多方面的题目进行探讨。本书讨论到的概念及技巧实际应用于现实中的游戏工作室,如艺电及顽皮狗。虽然书中采用的例子通常依据一些专门的技术,但是讨论范围远超于某个引擎或API。文中的参考及引用也非常有用,可让读者继续深入游戏开发过程的任何特定方向。 《游戏引擎架构》为一个大学程度的游戏编程课程而编写,但也适合软件工程师、业余爱好者、自学游戏程序员,以及游戏产业的从业人员。通过阅读《游戏引擎架构》,资历较浅的游戏工程师可以巩固他们所学的游戏技术及引擎架构的知识,专注某一领域的资深程序员也能从本书更为全面的介绍中获益。 內容包括: - 游戏开发中的大规模C++软件架构 - 游戏编程所需的数学 - 供调试、源代码控制及性能剖析的游戏开发工具 - 引擎基础系统、渲染、碰撞、物理、角色动画、游戏世界对象模型等引擎子系统 - 多平台游戏引擎 - 多处理器环境下的游戏编程 - 工作管道及游戏资产数据库 -
编程的真正挑战不是学习一种语言的语法,而是学习创造性地解决问题,从而构建美妙的应用。《像程序员一样思考》分析了程序员解决问题的方法,并且教授你其他图书所忽略的一种能力,即如何像程序员一样思考。全书分为8章。第1章通对几个经典的算法问题切入,概括了问题解决的基本技巧和步骤。第2章通过实际编写C++代码来解决几个简单的问题,从而让读者进一步体会到问题解决的思路和应用。第3到7章是书中的主体部分,分别探讨了用数组、指针和动态内存、类、递归和代码复用来解决问题的途径和实际应用。最后,第8章从培养程序员思维的角度,进行了总结和概括,告诉读者如何才能像程序员一样思考。 -
《梦断代码》内容简介:软件乃是人类自以为最有把握,实则最难掌控的技术。《梦断代码》作者罗森伯格对OSAF主持的Chandler项目进行田野调查,跟踪经年,试图借由Chandler项目的开发过程揭示软件开发中的一些根本性大问题。 《梦断代码》是讲一事,也是讲百千事;是写一软件,也是写百千软件;是写一群人,也是写百千万人。任何一个在软件领域稍有经验的技术人员看完《梦断代码》,必掩卷长叹:做软件难。 -
The Clean Coder
The Much-Anticipated Follow-Up to “Uncle Bob’s” Highly Praised Clean Code Programmers who endure and succeed amidst swirling uncertainty and nonstop pressure share a common attribute: They care deeply about the practice of creating software. They treat it as a craft. They are professionals. In The Clean Coder: A Code of Conduct for Professional Programmers, legendary software expert Robert C. Martin introduces the disciplines, techniques, tools, and practices of true software craftsmanship. This book is packed with practical advice—about everything from estimating and coding to refactoring and testing. It covers much more than technique: It is about attitude. Martin shows how to approach software development with honor, self-respect, and pride; work well and work clean; communicate and estimate faithfully; face difficult decisions with clarity and honesty; and understand that deep knowledge comes with a responsibility to act. Readers will learn What it means to behave as a true software craftsman How to deal with conflict, tight schedules, and unreasonable managers How to get into the flow of coding, and get past writer’s block How to handle unrelenting pressure and avoid burnout How to combine enduring attitudes with new development paradigms How to manage your time, and avoid blind alleys, marshes, bogs, and swamps How to foster environments where programmers and teams can thrive When to say “No”—and how to say it When to say “Yes”—and what yes really means Great software is something to marvel at: powerful, elegant, functional, a pleasure to work with as both a developer and as a user. Great software isn’t written by machines. It is written by professionals with an unshakable commitment to craftsmanship. The Clean Coder will help you become one of them—and earn the pride and fulfillment that they alone possess. -
R Cookbook
With more than 200 practical recipes, this book helps you perform data analysis with R quickly and efficiently. The R language provides everything you need to do statistical work, but its structure can be difficult to master. This collection of concise, task-oriented recipes makes you productive with R immediately, with solutions ranging from basic tasks to input and output, general statistics, graphics, and linear regression. Each recipe addresses a specific problem, with a discussion that explains the solution and offers insight into how it works. If you're a beginner, R Cookbook will help get you started. If you're an experienced data programmer, it will jog your memory and expand your horizons. You'll get the job done faster and learn more about R in the process. * Create vectors, handle variables, and perform other basic functions * Input and output data * Tackle data structures such as matrices, lists, factors, and data frames * Work with probability, probability distributions, and random variables * Calculate statistics and confidence intervals, and perform statistical tests * Create a variety of graphic displays * Build statistical models with linear regressions and analysis of variance (ANOVA) * Explore advanced statistical techniques, such as finding clusters in your data "Wonderfully readable, R Cookbook serves not only as a solutions manual of sorts, but as a truly enjoyable way to explore the R language-one practical example at a time." -Jeffrey Ryan, software consultant and R package author -
JavaScript DOM编程艺术 (第2版)
JavaScript是Web开发中最重要的一门语言,它强大而优美。无论是桌面开发,还是移动应用。JavaScript都是必须掌握的技术。W3C的DOM标准是开发Web应用的基石。已经得到所有现代浏览器的支持,这使得跨平台Web开发成了一件轻松惬意的事。 本书是超级畅销书的升级版,由倡导Web标准的领军人物执笔,揭示了前端开发的真谛,是学习JavaScript和DOM开发的必读之作。 本 书在简洁明快地讲述JavaScript和DOM的基本知识之后,通过几个实例演示了专业水准的网页开发技术,透彻阐述了平稳退化等一批至关重要的 JavaScript编程原则和最佳实践,并全面探讨了HTML5以及jQuery等JavaScript库。读者将看到JavaScript、 HTML5和CSS如何协作来创建易用的、与标准兼容的Web设计,掌握使用JavaScript和DOM通过客户端动态效果和用户控制的动画来加强 Web页面的必备技术;同时,还将对如何利用库提高开发效率有全面深入的理解。