本书全面深入地讲述了套接口API网络编程的既成事实标准,对X/open传输接口API也作了广泛的介绍。本书从对套接口API的综合讨论开始,论述了基本编程内容后,即转入高级套接口编程的相关主题,包括IPv4与IPv6的互操作性;UNIX域协议、非阻塞I/O、路由套接口、广播、多播、线程、原始套接口、数据链路访向等,对于客户一服务程序的各种设计方法也作了完整的探讨。在叙述X/Open传输接口API时,还对记这种设备驱动机制作了深入分析。在附录中又给出了IPv6、ICMPV6、虚拟网络等新内容。 本书内容详尽且具权威性,几乎每章都提供精选的习题,是计算机和网络专业高年级本科生和研究生的首选教材。本书也可作为网络研究和开发人员的自学教材和参考书。 -
More Programming Pearls
What do topics ranging from organic chemistry to Napoleon's campaigns have to do with computer programming? This collection of essays demonstrates the many varied aspects of programming, showing how programming can be both a fun and elegant science. Some of the essays cover programming techniques, like how profilers can provide insight into the dynamic behavior of programs, and methods for making data files self-describing. These techniques deal with real programs and they are realistically illustrated, using the C and Awk languages. Bentley also provides the reader with some tricks of the programmer's trade, like a collection of rules of thumb and hints for finding simple solutions to hard problems. These essays also originally appeared in the author's column in Communication of the ACM, and have been substantially revised, incorporating new sections, problems, and reader comments. 0201118890B04062001 -
The Little Schemer - 4th Edition
This delightful book leads you through the basic elements of programming in Scheme (a Lisp dialect) via a series of dialogues with well-chosen questions and exercises. Besides teaching Scheme, The Little Schemer teaches the reader how to think about computation. The authors focus on ten essential concepts of thinking about how to compute and demonstrate how to apply these concepts in inventive ways. The Little Schemer is an excellent book both for the beginner and for the seasoned programmer. -
Paperback Edition What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us the ingenious ways we manipulate language and invent new means of communicating with each other. And through CODE, we see how this ingenuity and our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries. Using everyday objects and familiar language systems such as Braille and Morse code, author Charles Petzold weaves an illuminating narrative for anyone who s ever wondered about the secret inner life of computers and other smart machines. It s a cleverly illustrated and eminently comprehensible story and along the way, you ll discover you ve gained a real context for understanding today s world of PCs, digital media, and the Internet. No matter what your level of technical savvy, CODE will charm you and perhaps even awaken the technophile within. -
本书精选了《代码大全(第2版)》中的精华内容,包括各章“要点(Key Points)”以及“核对表(CHECKLIST)”的全部内容,便于读者在工作学习中随时查阅,极具参考价值。另外,本书还附有《深入解析Windows操作系统,第4版——Microsoft Windows Server 2003/Windows XP/Windows 2000技术内幕》第14章的内容,供广大读者试读。本书适合计算机相关专业学生和教师、软件开发人员、IT专业人员以及计算专业知识爱好者阅读和参考。 -
随着互联网的迅速发展,几乎所有工具软件和程序语言都支持的正则表达式也变得越来越强大和易于使用。本书是讲解正则表达式的经典之作。本书主要讲解了正则表达式的特性和流派、匹配原理、优化原则、实用诀窍以及调校措施,并详细介绍了正则表达式在Perl、Java、.NET、PHP中的用法。 本书自第1 版开始着力于教会读者“以正则表达式来思考”,来让读者真正“精通”正则表达式。该版对PHP的相关内容、Java1.5和Java1.6的新特性作了可观的扩充讲解。任何有机会使用正则表达式的读者都会从中获益匪浅。