
Charles Petzold


计算机 Code Programming 编程 科普 计算机科学 原理 CS


Microsoft Press

Paperback Edition What do flashlights, the British invasion, black cats, and seesaws have to do with computers? In CODE, they show us the ingenious ways we manipulate language and invent new means of communicating with each other. And through CODE, we see how this ingenuity and our very human compulsion to communicate have driven the technological innovations of the past two centuries. Using everyday objects and familiar language systems such as Braille and Morse code, author Charles Petzold weaves an illuminating narrative for anyone who s ever wondered about the secret inner life of computers and other smart machines. It s a cleverly illustrated and eminently comprehensible story and along the way, you ll discover you ve gained a real context for understanding today s world of PCs, digital media, and the Internet. No matter what your level of technical savvy, CODE will charm you and perhaps even awaken the technophile within.



  • 兔牙小眼芭比呀的评论
    早上听到吐槽 非要这么gay的dress code[脸红]黑人问好
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  • 平泽纱织的评论
    终于把Code Geass看完了,几次想弃最后还是自己挑的番跪着也看完了,终极妹控的世界我不懂_(:3 )ユ嘛,其实一向泪点奇低,这次除了罗洛和夏莉的死之外却全程冷漠脸了。CP什么的也不是很想站,还是表白C.C.(´ ˘ `๑)♡ OVA官方有病系列倒让人有兴致。(说起来大概是我老了不适应这么中二的了……
  • 北美美姐的评论
  • 社会主义好秋衣的评论
    我依然无法理解国内办公室为啥么有对男人的dressing code[拜拜] 穿着拖鞋裤衩就来上班真的合适吗拜托[拜拜] 就算是码农也无法理解[拜拜] 甚至觉得银行制服都挺顺眼了[拜拜]
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    《Surround 360 is now open source | Facebook Code》by Forrest Briggs 网页链接
  • 微软中国MSDN的评论
    你更新了么? Visual Studio Code C/C++ 扩展了么?网页链接
  • 扬帆入海的评论
    编译器就是将“一种语言(通常为高级语言)”翻译为“另一种语言(通常为低级语言)”的程序。一个现代编译器的主要工作流程:源代码 (source code)... 网页链接
  • 沐柚姬姬的评论
    北美省钱快报的code什么鬼[微笑] 输入了code 然后是欺负我数学不好吗[微笑]还是欺负我没脑子[微笑]
  • 笙离喜乐的评论
    擦你拍就拍不要搞跟code blue一样病案好嘛!! //@梵如尘已打算孤独终老://@大神说: //@买买小天使:嗯 //@等等你等等玩兔高手洋洋啊:看泪了,医生也是人,希望互相理解