The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making
Highlighting the role of psychological experimentation, "The Psychology of Judgment and Decision Making" is an informative and engaging introduction to the field written in a style that is equally accessible to the introductory psychology student, the lay person, or the professional. A unique feature of this volume is the Reader Survey which readers are to complete before beginning the book. The questions in the Reader Survey are drawn from many of the studies discussed throughout the book, allowing readers to compare their answers with the responses given by people in the original studies. This title is part of "The McGraw-Hill Series in Social Psychology". -
作出明智的选择,是一项与每个人——企业家、医生、律师、教师、学生、父母、青年、老人——息息相关的基本生存技能。正是我们作出的决策影响和规定了我们的职业发展和个人生活质量。遗憾的是几乎没有多少人学到决策技能的真髓,因此我们面临选择时迟疑不决甚至胆怯害怕,以致坐失良机。本书为你提供了一套非常直接易行的步骤和程序,帮助大家改进自己作决定的方法,无论是在个人、家庭、事业各个方面,帮助实现你的目标。 -
《经济决策的概率模型》是一本将概率模型用于分析风险和经济决策的入门教材。全书自始至终倾力向读者阐明,如何在复杂的现实情形中运用概率论,并将概率论晦涩的数学运算融入到生动有趣的现实经济生活中。全书的分析性工作都是在Microsoft Excel电子表格中进行的,这种方法有助于读者处理更为复杂的问题。强调电子表格建模的结果是,阅读完《经济决策的概率模型》的读者可从中学到精妙的电子表格技巧,轻松获得概率分析的应用能力。 《经济决策的概率模型》适用于经济管理类专业高年级本科生和MBA学员,也可作为从事概率论、经济决策或数量建模等课程研究的人员参考读物。 -
《预见力》:企业的未来具有可预见性和可推测性。那么如何才能准确预见企业未来呢?企业究竟该怎么管理?如何在竞争异常激烈的商战中获得先机,企业战略如何规划?下一步该怎么走?信息时代,你慢一秒,就有可能意味着失去赢得先机的机会,还有可能让一个正在成长的企业关门大吉。头脑风暴在企业发展中的重要性如何?又该怎样运用好头脑风暴?作为信息社会和高科技时代的结合,现代企业如何运用电脑系统来帮助企业运营和获取信息呢?这些问题都是很多老板和职业经理人头疼的问题,而本书正是对这些问题的解答和探讨。 《预见力》一书继承了畅销书《摇摆》和《我们如何决定》的传统,探讨了大脑作为一台预测机器背后的科学知识,并解释了电脑和企业正逐渐发展出相同的预测能力。 过去十年,最新的科学研究成果已经揭示出,是什么让最优秀的运动员、音乐家、领导者、演员如此与众不同——这并非因为他们的智商高于我们,或是其他普遍假定的优势,而是因为他们比别人提前预测了未来,仅仅提前了两秒钟而已! 我们能够预见到不久的将来,是基于以往的经验、充分的训练和其他洞察力。正是预测力让我们能抓住一个球,能不用思考如何放脚就走下飞机的舷梯,能知道一首乐曲的旋律,能通过看同事的脸预知他们的反应。 在本书中,两位作者带你领略世界上先进的电脑系统,向你展示未来的电脑如何利用相同的预测能力。在电脑的帮助下,在生产错误发生之前,公司能够做出预见;在运输、生产和库存的问题出现之前,管理者就能完美解决。在问题出现前的一瞬间,有远见的公司就能预见未来。这将成为它们的巨大市场竞争优势! -
《决策的本质》一书在国际关系、公共管理和决策等诸多领域都是一本必读的经典著作。即使对于一般公众来说,这也是一本有助于更好地理解政府与国家行动的有深度而又有趣的读物。本版利用最新的学术研究成果和最新解密的美国与苏联档案,分析和解释了美国与苏联在古巴导弹危机中的行为。其中,作 者提炼的三种决策模式与古巴导弹危机案例紧密结合在一起;理论的简洁、抽象与解释力和历史的细节、特殊性与真实性在本书中完美地融合在一体。 -
Super Crunchers
Why would a casino try and stop you from losing? How can a mathematical formula find your future spouse? Would you know if a statistical analysis blackballed you from a job you wanted? Today, number crunching affects your life in ways you might never imagine. In this lively and groundbreaking new book, economist Ian Ayres shows how today's best and brightest organizations are analyzing massive databases at lightening speed to provide greater insights into human behavior. They are the Super Crunchers. From internet sites like Google and Amazon that know your tastes better than you do, to a physician's diagnosis and your child's education, to boardrooms and government agencies, this new breed of decision makers are calling the shots. And they are delivering staggeringly accurate results. How can a football coach evaluate a player without ever seeing him play? Want to know whether the price of an airline ticket will go up or down before you buy? How can a formula outpredict wine experts in determining the best vintages? Super crunchers have the answers. In this brave new world of equation versus expertise, Ayres shows us the benefits and risks, who loses and who wins, and how super crunching can be used to help, not manipulate us. Gone are the days of solely relying on intuition to make decisions. No businessperson, consumer, or student who wants to stay ahead of the curve should make another keystroke without reading Super Crunchers.