I Saw the World End
Wagner's Ring is a great masterpiece. But because of the work's rich complexity it is difficult to think sensibly about its text and music. Deryck Cooke, author of The Language of Music and completer of Mahler's Tenth Symphony, displays his masterly common sense in this study of how and why The Ring took the shape it did. It is only a portion of the enormous book he had planned: his untimely death prevented his writing an analysis of the music. But it covers the first two operas of the cycle (Rheingold and The Valkyrie) and even as it stands gives a fresh understanding and appreciation to every lover of Wagner's music. -
《拉克汉插图本:尼伯龙根的指环》是瓦格纳的传世经典歌剧,讲述的是年轻铁匠齐格弗里德不知道自己其实是一个沦陷王国的继承人,在英勇杀死为祸人间的巨龙法芙娜之后受到人们的爱戴。这部歌剧是音乐的巨人、戏剧的史诗、舞台上的“庞然大物””、情感经历中的“洪水猛兽”,是瓦格纳在歌剧改革上的“大独裁者””。本版集合了插画大师拉克汉为其所绘所有插图,以传世巨著+最伟大插画的优秀版本组合的形态面世。 -
The Wagner Operas
In this classic guide, the foremost Wagner expert of our century discusses ten of Wagner's most beloved operas, illuminates their key themes and the myths and literary sources behind the librettos, and demonstrates how the composer's style changed from work to work. Acclaimed as the most complete and intellectually satisfying analysis of the Wagner operas, the book has met with unreserved enthusiasm from specialist and casual music lover alike. Here, available for the first time in a single paperback volume, is the perfect companion for listening to, or attending, The Flying Dutchman, Tannhuser, Lohengrin, Tristan and Isolde, Die Meistersinger, the four operas of the Ring Cycle, and Parsifal. Newman enriches his treatment of the stories, texts, and music of the operas with biographical and historical materials from the store of knowledge that he acquired while completing his numerous books on Wagner, including the magisterial Life of Richard Wagner. The text of The Wagner Operas is filled with hundreds of musical examples from the scores, and all the important leitmotifs and their interrelationships are made clear in Newman's lucid prose. "This is as fine an introduction as any ever written about a major composer's masterpieces. Newman outlines with unfailing clarity and astuteness each opera's dramatic sources, and he takes the student through the completed opera, step by step, with all manner of incidental insight along the way."--Robert Bailey, New York University -
瓦格纳事件 尼采反瓦格纳
瓦格纳在很大程度上是尼采的引路人,一度是亲密的“战友”,后来又是尼采树立起来的主要“对手”。从 “战友”到“对手”,瓦格纳伴随尼采思想生涯的始终。尼采对瓦格纳所做的最后的清算是在1888年,是他思想生涯的最后一年,在一年内完成了《瓦格纳事件》《尼采反瓦格纳》两本著作。字里行间充满着尼采对瓦格纳深具匠心的哲学洞察。本书特将这两种著作结集出版,为读者研究提供方便。 -
《我的生平瓦格纳回忆录》由四个部分组成的传记都是由瓦格纳的夫人在不同年代根据我的口授直接记录下来的,旨在保存这些谈及瓦格纳生平的资料。书中细致入微地描述了从他童年直到1864年的生活和经历,他与音乐的结缘,他的创作,与他的人生和性格发生影响的几个女人在感情上的纠葛,他的艺术思想和政治思想发展的道路。有助于我们对19世纪初叶到60年代这个时代的乐坛的了解。 瓦格纳的音乐伟大而具独创性,在众说纷纭中影响至今;瓦格纳的传记毁誉参半,更给后人留下说不尽的话题。《我的生平瓦格纳回忆录》有高中甫和刁承俊译著,带您走进这位传奇音乐家的19世纪生活,去窥视那个时代的乐坛,去发现他的音乐戏剧作品的生成及其阐释。 瓦格纳的音乐伟大而具独创性,在众说纷纭中影晌至今,瓦格纳的传记毁誉参半,更给后人留下说不尽的话题。 -
德国作曲家瓦格纳是德国歌剧史上一位举足轻重的人物,研究瓦格纳就意味着要审阅和权衡车载斗量的事实和材料,同时要弄清某些令人目瞪口呆、出人意表的提法、观点、符合人情和不符合人情的东西。有关瓦格纳的文献从整体上看相当宏富,然而就瓦氏作为理论家特质予以分析的文章却寥寥无几。 《瓦格纳的政治神学》是作者霍夫曼对瓦格纳研究数十年的成果,本书以详实的史料和广阔的思想史视野表明,瓦格纳是今人认识德意志现代政治思想复杂性的范本之一。该书分为两个部分,第一部分篇幅很短,扼要检视从尼采、托马斯•曼到本雅明、阿多诺和当代的马尔夸特对瓦格纳思想的思考。第二部分是该书主体,作者以瓦格纳的创作史为线索展示瓦格纳政治-宗教思想充满矛盾的发展,既注重解析瓦格纳剧作中的思想,也重视辨析瓦格纳的政论和文论,并交互阐发。