An upper-class woman, recovering from a suicide attempt, visits the women's ward of Millbank prison as part of her rehabilitation. There she meets Selina, an enigmatic spiritualist-and becomes drawn into a twilight world of ghosts and shadows, unruly spirits and unseemly passions, until she is at last driven to concoct a desperate plot to secure Selina's freedom, and her own. "Unfolds sinuously and ominously...a powerful plot-twister. The book is multidimensional: a naturalistic look at Victorian society; a truly suspenseful tale of terror; and a piece of elegant, thinly veiled erotica." ("USA Today") "Gothic tale, psychological study, puzzle narrative-Sarah Waters' second novel is all of these wrapped into one, served up to superbly suspenseful and hypnotic effect." ("The Seattle Times") -
台灣的同志寫作曾經在《蒙馬特遺書》、《荒人手記》等作品達到高峰,這些作品所吸引的讀者不僅僅是同志本身,文學讀者也為其中的纏綿情景所觸動。畢竟如何說出深情至性的故事才是動聽的要訣。文化圈知名民間學者張娟芬向以文筆辛辣俐落、思維縝密清晰著名。她花了三四年的時間對女同志作田野調查,並以近距離、生活化的風格的寫作,將每對戀人的情愛絮語、心情掙扎一一呈現。正如她在書中所言「同志文化 T婆議題可以有很多談法,而我想要做的,是呈現 T 婆的風采、趣味、情慾張力以及感情關係裡的愛怨瞋痴……讓我所看見的趣味,也為其他人所看見。」更重要的是這部作品在《蒙馬特遺書》被經典化後出現,有其不可忽略的「除咒」力量。《蒙》書過份強調了同志情感宿命悲情。然而,在張娟芬的這本書裡豐富多元田野報告,不僅讓同志的情愛故事動聽感人,更讓台灣的同志書寫終於有了走出《蒙馬特遺書》的可能。 -
The Emerging Lesbian
In early twentieth-century China, age-old traditions of homosocial and homoerotic relationships between women suddenly became an issue of widespread public concern. Discussed formerly in terms of friendship and sisterhood, these relationships came to be associated with feminism, on the one hand, and psychobiological perversion, on the other—a radical shift whose origins have long been unclear. In this first ever book-length study of Chinese lesbians, Tze-lan D. Sang convincingly ties the debate over female same-sex love in China to the emergence of Chinese modernity. As women's participation in social, economic, and political affairs grew, Sang argues, so too did the societal significance of their romantic and sexual relations. Focusing especially on literature by or about women-preferring women, Sang traces the history of female same-sex relations in China from the late imperial period (1600-1911) through the Republican era (1912-1949). She ends by examining the reemergence of public debate on lesbians in China after Mao and in Taiwan after martial law, including the important roles played by globalization and identity politics. -
★榮獲1994年美國圖書館協會年度同志文學獎! ★榮獲1994年美國女同志浪達文學獎! ★榮獲2000年中文版為中國時報開卷推薦暑假高中生優良閱讀品! ★榮獲誠品書店年度百大好書! 2006年 完整中譯本改版上市! 你是男人還是女人?這個問題總是困擾著潔斯,如狂風暴雨般衝擊著他的生命和認同。他成長於1950年代的一個藍領小鎮。到了前女性主義的1960年代,他在酒吧和工廠中以T的身份現身。1970年代初期,面對失業的衝擊,又缺乏社群支援,他開始以男人的身份生活……這是一個跨性別者的故事,在一次又一次的掙扎中,引領讀者思索自主權的意義。 -
The Well of Loneliness/寂寞之井
史上第一本女同性戀小說 19世紀末的英格蘭鄉間,史提芬出生在具有優良傳統的莫頓大宅裡,作為菲力普爵士唯一的掌上明珠,她自幼便背負了釵h期待。 然而,在史提芬漸漸成長以後,她厭惡純白洋裝、暗戀女僕等種種與眾不同的行為,使恪遵傳統的母親與她漸行漸遠,最後甚至親手執行了放逐她的異性戀父權律法…… 《寂寞之井》原出版於一九二八年,描寫一對女同性戀情侶掙扎著要為社會所接受的故事。《寂寞之井》很明顯是作者自己人生的故事,就當時而言,本書坦誠得令人震驚,是第一本譴責社會對同性戀者的不公平對待的小說。此書在一九二八年遭到徹底查禁,其出版是一件非常有勇氣的舉動,幾乎毀了霍爾的文學生涯。儘管此書初次出版距今已超過半個世紀,瑞克裡芙‧霍爾所論及的偏見與迫害在今日很悲哀地並沒有過時。 -
Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit
Winner of the Whitbread Prize for best first fiction, Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit is a coming-out novel from Winterson, the acclaimed author of The Passion and Sexing the Cherry. The narrator, Jeanette, cuts her teeth on the knowledge that she is one of God’s elect, but as this budding evangelical comes of age, and comes to terms with her preference for her own sex, the peculiar balance of her God-fearing household crumbles. Jeanette Winterson's semi-autobiographical novel is one of the most beautifully written story of a middle-class girl struggling to come to terms with her own sexuality, creativity, passion vs. her family/society's inflexible "formed opinions". The story of the persecution of a girl because of her sexual preference (in this case, lesbianism) is not new. It's how Ms. Winterson presents her story. Fresh. Alive. Witty. Funny. Heartbreaking at times. Imaginative. Almost like you were holding a piece of someone's soul in your hands rather than merely a book. I noticed that one reviewer mentioned that the book's sexual nature is vulgar. I do not find this so. Even if it is, so what? Life is vulgar. Only those fond of sweeping the dirt under the carpet so that it stays out of sight (or those who drive lesbian girls from their house/church and pretend they don't exist) will disagree with the innate vulgarity of all life. This book is the antidote for that kind of sanitized thinking. This book exposes that sanitized Christian middle-class thinking is weird, almost alien when observed sanely by a third party standing on the outside. This book celebrates life. Read it.